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@mcc A line truly worthy of a horror movie clown that pushes people out of windows.

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Heard this today...

"What’s the difference between COVID and Southwest Airlines? COVID is airborne.

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My kids are watching this classic scene from Sesame Street and are just as confused as the Yip Yips. They have absolutely no conception of what this thing is. The humor of the scene has truly come full circle.

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Over many years, I have been gradually replacing all of the paragraphs in the Ship of Theseus Wikipedia article.

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I haven't touched programming in a hot minute but i want to try art a bit...

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Whenever an AI assistant beeps that it is listening I am known to audibly hiss

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i have purchased super lesbian animal rpg. excited to play it

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$TSLA crashing because the company is on autopilot is the most fitting end to 2022 possible

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Writer's block implies writer's parry and writer's dodge

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"When the rich rob the poor it's called business, when the poor fight back it's called violence"

Poster spotted in Brunswick, Melbourne

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!