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new file extension pronunciations:

jaypeg ❌ j-pug ✔️
pee-en-gee❌ pung/ping ✔️
bmp❌ bump ✔️
doc-ecks ❌ dokkssssssssssss (longer the better on the "sss"es) ✔️
7zip❌ 7up ✔️
tar.gz❌ turglz ✔️
bzip❌ bee-sip ✔️
com❌ dot cawwwmmm ✔️
exe❌ eeksie ✔️
batch❌ bat. it's a bat file. a file folder full of little bats. they chirp when you open it because it's bright out, let them sleep. ✔️
gif❌ lemon ✔️ like with other appliances, some people like to show off the inside.
That being said, RGB ram does sound pretty absurd

@RobF I agree they're gambling, but governments get stuck on the definition because in video games they're technically simulated gambling and the player doesn't win money.
They believe the whole "surprise mechanics" thing

@DX_MON @lethalbit thank you! I'll keep the Artyz7 in mind, although I'm not actually sure which board they're going to make us use in the course. I just know it's going to be Xilinx

@DotFiveNine same. I initially hated the 60% layout for that reason

@lethalbit I'm going to be studying Xilinx FPGAs in a few months. Any suggestions before I start please? 😅

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