@Waces that's amazing. How do you follow a Twitter account with rss?

weight, HRT, caps, body image posi 

@freyja_wildes@social.art-software.fr oh wow. How long have you been under HRT for?

@mavica I'll follow your channel if it's on computing

vbus boosted

the cool thing about free game engines is that they get features when they are actually a good idea and not because a second tier middle manager wants a promotion

@benjaminwil that's a nice looking keyboard. What PCB and keycaps did you use?

@arielmt oh yeah, there's people out there conveniently "forgetting" the T

@kimdanes@octodon.social It's web browsing that eats up RAM. Keeping tabs open can easily consume 12GB

vbus boosted

Don't get me wrong, computers can absolutely help us regain our environmental efficiency. They just *aren't*.

Not as long as we're:
* constantly syncing everything to the cloud,
* expecting same-hour delivery,
* funding our clickbait via surveillance advertising,
* buying a new phone every year,
* using AIs because they're cool rather than useful,
* running bloated software & webpages,
* buying into "big data"
* etc

Computing is environmentally cheap, but it rapidly adds up!

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@Nine I don't think the writers necessarily wanted the players to pick NCR though. I feel like if anything the writers made every effort to vilify the Legion

@Nine true. What I've realized playing this is that the game deliberately makes it really hard to choose a side. So even the NCR, which stands for democracy, something many if not most people agree with, is bad at dealing with the rampant poverty going on. I want to believe the NCR symbolizes modern America because of their expansionism and fake democratic values.
I do agree it's much better than Fallout 3 though. That's just a easy and binary "BoS good, Enclave bad"

vbus boosted

It'd be awesome if companies were straightforward with their list of qualifications and requirements for black job seekers, instead of keeping them locked away in their tiny white racist brains

@tindall@cybre.space Haven't used emacs in a long time, but I generally trust the GNU site for information. Here is a tour of emacs

@tindall@cybre.space Emacs the text editor?

@Nine It's implied in the story that the NCR can't take take of raiders either: an npc remarks that he has no problem with the Legion because they eliminated the problem with raiders

@polychrome @mavica yeah Tencent controls all of China's technology. Payment, music, video games, and social media all belong to it. That's why all of China uses wechat.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!