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I FORGOT ABOUT ALAIN he is also a cis gay man. hes a vampire though so its okay

fictional abuse, relationship and parental 

wrt to their dad being hypermasculine. but if they thought they were a cis girl in a lesbian relationship in high school, it would be more about being afraid to leave a relationship with someone who is hurting you because they wouldnt have had any real community to turn to. and that would speak more to their general distrust of the concept that anyone might have their back and still keep the skittishness around a hot 6'2 butch lesbian who makes you laugh

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fictional abuse, relationship and parental 

basically they were being abused by their sad and their first girlfriend throughout high school, and this has given them some Problems in their present ~27 year old self. if they thought they were a cis boy in high school, the narrative would be how they have problems with comp het and the general guilt that comes alongside being. happy and gay. and also have the usual gender shit crisis.

its basically just if the real of their backstory villain was compulsory heterosexuality or something fairly projection-y about lgbt isolation and toxicity within communities that are cut off from larger support networks

still dunno if they're dfab or dmab. it matters a little in how id write them so i feel like i should sort this out at some point but ehhhh. theyre gender

i guess this means cooper is an agender lesbian now. well that's fine

oh i was thinking about my ocs and how i have only a couple of actual cis men- bo, pyr, hobbes, and victor. i think pyr is a trans guy now. bo is a he/him lesbian. hobbes is a cis white gay(tm) so he can stay. victor is from like the 60s or smth so its period typical cisgenderedness.


oh to be able to talk to my neighbors and shit so i could get a dealer at home


sorry sorry im just excited to be properly able to actually do drugs in a way that i feel comfortable with instead of at some word party where i either just kinda panic and fake being high or like. get nothing out of it and spend the rest of the night second guessing all my actions if im visibly intoxicated


still don't know how much edible is too much edible. still highest than i want to actually nah it's cool. this is fine

it's actually very easy to avoid creeps now, and the way the site is set up makes it very chill compared to twitter or facebook. besides masto it's easily my most pleasant online space right now

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my unpopular take is that tumblr had gotten a lot better in the last couple years and if you're still having a bad experience that's on you for doing a shit job curating who you're following.

self depreciation 

god im like. incredibly unattractive.

i also fudged it a little, which was the kick. they're not like inedible or anything, just sweeter than i wanted

it's a new recipe so i was aware of the risks but ah.............

ahhh.... these scones are too sweet........

🎶 dawn can't break when the sun has burnt to a crisp / there must have been some supernova i missed 🎶

it's one of the last group photos they have before their parents died. none of them actually like it? but they all agree it's very archetypal for all of them

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!