henlo mastoverse

does anyone have some resources about indigenous history of the americas? specifically something like a podcast or recorded lectures that are free to listen to?

i'm white as hell so i don't want to step on any toes, but also... this is emphatically stuff i should know, and is a huge gap in my knowledge.

i'm disabled/often full of pain meds so i don't have the mettle to pay for and follow a proper course, but if anyone knows free resources, i'd super appreciate it.


(why i'm asking is that i know i could probably find many courses... being taught by white people as if they're teaching about dead civilizations. but i want to actually learn properly, not just be fed more bullshit.

i'm also honestly not opposed to a more casual/pop history sort of style because, well, spoonie brain is not up to grad school level discussion. it doesn't have to pander to me with a puppet show, but i'm just, uh, kinda stupid when pain meds are on board.)

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