right that retoot cinches it, i am going to have to put in some contrived-ass bit of this fic i might eventually write wherein Zelda Learns How To Cuss
link already knows he's become a feral battle goblin it's like 90% f-words by this point. he's just going to yell at the moon to fuck off at any occasion now
nope instead it's prince sidon who is all GAAAAAASP!!!!!!!!!!!! and absolutely SCANDALIZED because PRINCESS WHY ARE YOU SAYING SUCH THINGS
ganondorf: always astute; never swears
link: swears a lot but never means it
zelda: swears and MEANS IT
re: blood
@InspectorCaracal i mean given the panic a "sounds gay, bro" can induce in a pack of frat boys, it's just sensible tactics honestly
re: blood
@InspectorCaracal Tactical Stripping As Battlefield Technique, a treatise by the esteemed Ms. Bayonetta, with a forward by
hold on i've got to grab to more games i haven't actually played for this peak archetype
Ghiraim, who showed up to casually menace Link in a zelda game i haven't played (see following: https://media1.tenor.com/images/32d16f9cecf689258e2e5b9aa80ab366/tenor.gif?itemid=13471668 )
@InspectorCaracal i'm going to blame vampires for this
either that or this is like the anime equivalent of that one ancient chinese general where everyone was all "oh shiiiit you guys he's really good at tactics what's he gonna do" and what he did was he rode out and started just juggling
and everyone was so wigged out thinking that this was the first part of some totally bonkers plan that they ran the fuck away
there was no plan. (except juggling)
@InspectorCaracal yeah i think it went pretty well!!!! honestly i'm just excited for fucking VALIDATION, like... yeah shit was fucked up ins and now i got the pictures to prove it
in which a wigglytuff grumbles about post-op pain med
i think doubling up my cbd dose and being really diligent with ice packs and naproxen are going to get me through but i am a little YOU GUYS. at the doctors honestly
in which a wigglytuff grumbles about post-op pain med
i'm holding out as best i damn can and i think i may be able to make it, but they uhhh didn't actually give me ANY increase in pain medication for post-surgery
i was on oxycodone 5mg handling my base pain, now i'm on... percocet 5mg
so like
same thing
but with tylenol in there too
30 y/o - token cishet - tumblr refugee. spoonie/15 chronic conditions in a trenchcoat/actual cyborg. just hangin' in there