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i actually have enormous fondness for catullus 16 not because i think it's good poetry, but because it's that type of delightful moment of history i love so much where you just go "look! humans is the same!"

if you translate it into more modern vernacular honestly it would read exactly like an angry youtube comment

oh god now i just imagined a big dramatic boss fight with an ominous chorus chanting latin in the back except it's catullus 16 and i'm fucking dying. how do i get in contact with whoever writes and produces devil may cry, i feel like they need to do that

note: this is catullus 16. it is nsfw

spoonie culture is taking selfies in the waiting room

cw for selfie, eye contact, snapchat filter that put a butterfly on my head

you're reading that right - disease levels are at 100%

(100%) ■■■■■■■■■■

listen in my defense, look at this shit

i don't wanna get out in this fuckery, do YOU?

at least i can coordinate around my cute umbrella i guess grumble grumble hiss groan

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my schedule says "you gotta get up and get ready for your doctor's appointment"

the weather says "stay inside and play splatoon forever"

oh man that seems like a cool game but i know like. three people? on here

...fuckit, new game i can do

reply and i will randomly assign you a dessert and/or dish of food that i think suits you based off of glancing at your profile

it's just me dramatically yelling WILL NO-ONE RID ME OF THIS TROUBLESOME UTERUS outside the obgyn honestly

allyship is supporting surgeries and therapies of transplanted uterus etc. into those that are transitioning and want them,

while also knowing you're off the table as a candidate to donate not because of any personal convictions but because if someone else got this fucking bullshit i'm pretty sure it would be violating lemon law and fair goods acts in at least 15 states

"wow harp" you may be saying, "going with THAT moral for writing a problematic ship is, uh, very domme of you" 


it's not my fault that Anakin "Vader" Skywalker

a) is a bratty sub of the highest order

b) should not be in charge of anyone including himself and eventually comes to realize this

if the non-english-major nerds are staring at that punchline,

also pls note this line in the synopsis:

>The Knight responds by saying that the choice is hers, an answer which pleases her greatly

it just works y'all

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i was going to write a longer, involved thoughtful post about shipping and social justice and writing fanfic and the intersection of all of these things etc in meditative pondering about how i strive to be thoughtful in certain ways,

and then i realized i can really just summarize a lot down, so:

how do i ship anakin/padme?

well the chapter in my pet fanfic where anakin/vader and padme begin their reconciliation is going to be titled "the wife of bath's tale"

I want to see a tv drama where the tech person is like "ok I'm on it" and then proceeds to google "linux how untar file"

anyway, here's a sad-ass star wars thought with tw for ableism shit 

so there's your plot bunny of anakin/vader looking back and Realizing (tm) "oh that's when i stopped being a real person to obi-wan, who was in charge of taking care of me, wasn't it :')"

and if you want to write an essay instead, pls consider how vader's redemption hinges on his son recognizing that a person relying on lifesaving prosthetics is still a person and worthy of love/respect/being humanized as such

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anyway, here's a sad-ass star wars thought with tw for ableism shit 

someone take obi-wan's anh line of "he's more machine than man", describing vader as ruined/corrupted, and match that the fuck up with prequels

did anakin skywalker not get any of the help he needed in part because as soon as he lost a hand - and got an obvious prosthetic replacement - his mentor quietly shuffled him into the "less-than-human and not truly of any value" box?


dlc for the dlc for smash, where it's Joker but rightfully voiced by Mark Hamill

unfortunately i have already written the chapter of this abominable fanfic wherein garrus pats luke on the shoulder and goes "y'know, kiddo, as you grow older, a man gets certain urges..."

"garrus you know i'm like 23 right -"

"don't interrupt kiddo it's rude. anyway, when a man grows up, he realizes that all he really wants is a redhead girlfriend who can beat him up... it's as natural as the birds and the bees..."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!