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i should stop being super sad and actually try to get on ffxiv and get the easter event stuff, but my brain is steadfastly wanting to consider ffxiv still to be a pit of failure and "everyone is secretly disappointed and unhappy with youuuu!!!!!"

it probably does not help that someone i thought i had become friends with, helped him out, was there for him in dark moments, etc. dropped me like a rock as soon as it became clear that my 'make entertaining rp' machine done broke, so...

more political grumbling 

and of course this morning i see this yet again and nearly roll my eyes back into my head so far that i can see my own brain

yeah i think 'abrahamic religions' are going to be better at the not telling people to go to hell challenge than you think, given that, to my knowledge, JUDAISM DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CONCEPT OF HELL, OR AT LEAST NOT THE CONCEPT OF "GO BURN IN IT" YOU'RE BANKING ON HERE

just say christianity!!!! JUST SAY CHRISTIANITY!!!

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but also shoutout to my parents for being cool geeks and understanding as well as encouraging me to have friendships online, without feeling the need to obsessively monitor and restrict my access to them or tell me that they were "not real friends"

i'm sure they did their fair share of looking out for me, but i'm still amazed that both of our sets of parents were able to talk and be cool with and arrange stuff like my internet best friend coming to visit me in middle school

more political grumbling 

but also, Anti-Theism Is Not As Novel And Enlightened As Many Think It Is

especially if anti-religious sentiment is being used to belittle, harass, and oppress others

that is simply swapping one baseball bat for another, not solving the problem. don't sell me that Cishet McWhitebro is solving everything by pwning the christians when you're still viewing religion solely as a tool to control others with, not considering it as a refuge for minorities

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more political grumbling 

this was a longer rant but i'm going to condense it down to

boy, some people use "abrahamic religions" when they really mean "i'm going to bank on the audience's anti-christian sentiment and ignorance of judaism and islam to sneak in some real whack islamophobic and antisemitic viewpoints"

if you want to say "christianity" just say "christianity". don't 'just a spoonful of sugar' bigoted shit in there.

in which a wigglytuff subtoots 

tldr to further thoughts: being hurt yourself is not carte blanche to excuse and perpetuate bigotry, what the fuck.

also fuckin hell, why do so many people in the Enlightened Expanse of Mastodon seem to pull their thoughts about jewish people straight from the ass of a priest in the spanish inquisition circa 1482. if you are literally on the same brainwave as a medieval fuck trying to incite a pogrom even my goy ass knows you need to sit down.

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in which a wigglytuff subtoots 

"people say that such conspiracies are antisemitic, but i think they need to be talked about more because abrahamic religions are so rife with abuse and that takes presedence over quelling obvious antisemitism!"

that's... probably enough mastodon for me today, i think

abuse happens, and religion is a tool favored by abusers, but at the same time? no the illuminati are not the jewish new world order come to kill us all jfc stop excusing such obvious horseshit

When my youngest is playing Pokémon, he always says “Jigglybuff”.

egregious tmi health whining (this is going to be a reoccurring theme for a bit, sorry) 

there's heavy period and then there's this, which is my uterus going above and beyond its miserable usual

i am fairly convinced that if this was a just world, i would have a buddy IV pole full of fluids and possibly an iron supplement of some form

dog pls it's okay the electric fireplace gives us warm it's good

for reference on how to do this kind of headline properly, drink in the magnificence of this masterpiece

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gosh i need to play shadowrun hong kong but i keep running up against the fact that i am bad at video games

well i was going to get up but now my dog's come and sat on me so i'm trapped forever

..........i think actually meat provides the nutrients so you wouldn't die of beriberi, but out of all the nutritional deficiencies i feel like beriberi definitely has the greatest comedy potential in its name (as scurvy is more associated with pirates and thus muddies the punchline, etc.)

but then again peterson also touts his diet of only water, beef, and salt, like literally that's it nothing else not even pepper, so uh

boy howdy the man's a dumbass

can't wait until he and all his loyal copycat followers keel over of beriberi or some shit

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and i say this as somebody who is actually pretty fond of jungian analysis in some respects


jung didn't really come up with serious psychology, the same way the humoral system of medicine tried and failed to make, well, medical science

it's some fantastic things for literary critique but to use it as psych makes as much sense as using campbell's hero's journey as a method for treating your ADHD. it just don't work lol

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honestly all you really need to know about jordan peterson's intelligence is that he thinks Jung is still psychology

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!