videogame idea thoughts 

Ever since I played Pac-man 256 (an infinite pac-man game), I've wanted to make a clone of it and fix all its problems (like how many of the powerups you unlock are just strictly better versions of earlier powerups, thus making the old ones useless)
But I've never wanted to JUST make a clone.

Until I had the "brilliant" and "extremely creative" idea of making it a roguelike.
Instead of unlocking powerups between runs, you unlock them DURING runs.

re: videogame idea thoughts 

if I do actually make this, I have some things I want to do really differently to 256:
- firstly, it's going to be way faster - like pacman CE 2.
- instead of being infinitely vertical, it will be infinite in every direction. BUT the space is divided into sections that are blocked off by locked doors - so you have to find keys to get to other sections.
- Different sections will be different "biomes", and have different hazards and enemies.
- Thematically less abstract

re: videogame idea thoughts 

the problem with this idea, I think, is that it is very vague. This isn't enough of an idea to base a game off, and some parts of it are too simple to really mean anything and other parts are too ambitious and unbounded in scope.

so I'm probably going to obsessively think about this for 3 weeks and then forget about it XD


re: videogame idea thoughts 

@lizardsquid keys and doors does make me think of Super Pac-Man, so perhaps leaning into that would make it more interesting - you could go find the keys you need to unlock parts of the maze, or you could use one of your precious powerups to break down the doors instead of chasing the enemies.

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