- New article! Links Extreme, the one time the most well-respected series in all of computer-golf decided to do something different. Golf for non-golfers, or non-golf for golfers?

Mom got me a Hobonichi Techo for Christmas. I think I'm using it the right way.

it is 14 minutes to midnight in my area. here is a picture of Craig Stadler from the back of the box for PGA Tour Golf 2.

despite everything, I (somehow) *still* have this Star Wars Episode VII collectors' color changing spoon, one of three random swag items given to me by a vendor that I bought Lode Runner and a solitaire game from at a game convention. - Today's acquisitions update comes by way of a gift from a Friend of Golfshrine, Herzog Zwei. A whole new experience with Sierra's TrueSwing system, in PGA Championship 1999.

I have not been giving you all nearly enough golf game content. So here is a GameCube game. I'm told this one is really more like a Hot Shots Golf clone than anything, and that this is the least fitting cover art for that. (Hell, I thought it was gonna be like Outlaw Golf.)

It is finally done, Turn of a Friendly Card has been liberated from Wordpress and laboriously converted back to standard HTML+CSS.

I wrote most of this in 2017, but a lot of posts have been updated with more recent thoughts and factual corrections.

Have more or less begun in earnest, the process of converting my solitaire blog to HTML. And that involves - yes - smashing together another stylesheet for it. There are things that I can't do in pure CSS, but I can still at least achieve the feel that I'm looking for, here.

Just a lot of busywork left, really. - Just an update to the Golfer's Gallery over at Golfshrine today, with a few golfers I hadn't gotten around to adding, plus subsections on costume editors and course designers. - Been slacking on updating for long enough that I almost forgot which golf games I've bought and not added to Golfshrine, including one that was supposed to be part of last month's update. Fewer games, more info. Let's get this done. - yesterday and today, I've spent my time laboriously converting all of my writing that I did for Cohost, into HTML that I can host on my own webspace. Everything is now properly organized, and because I have full control over its presentation, each setting now has its own neat little CSS style associated with it. If you enjoy genre fiction, there is Quite A Lot of it here.

Working on relocating my writing - especially the stuff from Cohost - to a subsection of my webspace on Netizen Club (the same space Golfshrine is hosted on). This gives me more control over its presentation than with Dreamwidth or Wordpress.

It also lets me make the text glow like a terminal.

If nothing else but wordle will do, and you have an old Palm OS device somewhere, there's always palmdle! - Going live with a slightly more analytical article for Golfshrine, as I think about how being good at a golf video game is nowhere near the same thing as being good at actual golf.

thank you Matt Grey for this wonderful new image that I will save for when it is most needed

"Maybe I _have_ hit bottom, and maybe I _do_ look like hell. Lord knows the only exercise I've had lately is tipping the bottle and flipping cards into my hat. ...I'm going to scare up a job today if it means finding somebody's lost puppy."

Tex Murphy, one of my favorite video game characters of all time. Private eye, hardboiled where it counts, total doofus at almost all other times.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!