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That time I discovered how to get through an entire RPG without anybody knowing the silent protagonist's real name.

I'm, uh, trying to think of ways to keep this space active and I'm running out of them so here is some HIGH ART

25 bucks worth of Palm OS devices and I've got Bejeweled loaded on them within 3 hours of owning them. Priorities.

My desktop wallpaper is a large chunk of SOTN's background tiles. I only ever have one icon on my desktop, so it felt appropriate that it take the throne.

Today's thought: I played a free-to-play casino game on PS4 and this is one of the only pictures I took.

Today's thought: recipe book?...found at Goodwill. If this doesn't teach me how to cook with Synthehol I'm going to be disappointed. (Didn't buy it though)

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!