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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

If you tell the story of the burnt ballot boxes in Portland and Vancouver this week (an important story that warrants attention), also tell how good fire-suppressant design saved all but three ballots in the Portland box, and the efforts of the election workers who contacted those three voters and arranged for replacement ballots.

Things are scary and bad, and often literally on fire. But there are good people and good systems too. Making us forget that is always a win for the worst ones.

Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

@pendell In my case the problem was a wire inside the cable was loose and kept producing just the right electrical signal to be detected as a button-press. I've also seen that happen if the 3.5mm isn't plugged in tightly, but again, my experience is ages-old now (talking like iPhone 3G and Android 2.x era).

If your headphone cable is in good shape, and you're sure it's plugged in securely, only other thing I can think is make sure the 3.5mm is snug in the adapter before you plug in the USB end.

@pendell Ages ago I used to have this problem with a built-in headphone jack and one specific headset; I think it's picking up a pulse that it's interpreting as "headset button" which modern android defaults to "invoke voice assistant"

Weasel boosted I was staying at a hotel room a month ago that had one of those (an Alexa thing, don't remember which model). I was able to ask it to play a few SomaFM stations through it, but when I asked it for Secret Agent it told me "I might be able to help you at home, but not here." Ah well - the rest of it worked alright. ๐Ÿ‘โ€‹

Weasel boosted

me: *presses play on an app*

app: Great! Your journey is about to begin! Just some questions first. Where were you born? How would you describe your income bracket?

me: *dismiss*

app: Got it! We'll ask you next time before asking you questions.

me: *presses shuffle button*

app: Got it! Shuffle enabled until tomorrow.

notification: Somebody enabled shuffle playback on your account. Click here to verify

notification: ๐Ÿ†ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Power user

app: Do you want to rate this app?

@UncreativeAndUnoriginal That one had escaped my notice so far, I'll just go ahead and wishlist that because it looks fun and slightly chaotic. โ˜บ๏ธ

Weasel boosted

Went outside to smoke, shut the door, turned around and found myself face to face with a coyote.

He skidded in his tracks into a sit, did a 180 on his haunches, claws skittering on the cement, and LAUNCHED himself down the street, clipping his rump against my partner's car and setting off its alarm which set off MY car's alarm, and then the garage floodlight turned on, which turned on the NEIGHBOR'S lights.

All in a span of less than five seconds.

I witnessed a moment of pure, unadulterated chaos, leaving me with a deeper understanding of the animations of Scooby Doo and Wil E Coyote.

Weasel boosted - Going live with a slightly more analytical article for Golfshrine, as I think about how being good at a golf video game is nowhere near the same thing as being good at actual golf.

Weasel boosted - Going live with a slightly more analytical article for Golfshrine, as I think about how being good at a golf video game is nowhere near the same thing as being good at actual golf.

Weasel boosted


My in-depth history of "Instant Graphics and Sound" โ€” the little-known text protocol for bringing vector art and music to BBSes โ€” has reached the sad (almost) final chapter: "Legacy".

It begins with a look at two psychedelic pieces from fall 1991 that I consider the artistic pinnacle for IGS.


#longreads #atari #atarist #dev #gamedev #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #computers #textmode #textart #history #bbs #bbsing #igs #pixelart

thank you Matt Grey for this wonderful new image that I will save for when it is most needed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!