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SATURN TIP YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU NEEDED: Afraid to change your save battery because you don't want to lose your saves? The Saturn can keep saves while it's on even if there’s no battery in, and it's safe to swap the battery while it's running. Just turn your Saturn on first, then swap the battery without turning it off. Your saves will still be there, safe and sound, and you get another two years of save memory life.

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Another person criticized me for promoting my Patreon. Let me put this into perspective. People spent $74.6 million to see the 2019 film Cats in theaters. At the current rate, it would take 34,158 years for my project to bring in as much money as Cats. I like to think Low Quality Facts provides at least as much entertainment value as Cats, a film which one critic described as "The worst thing to happen to cats since dogs".
In conclusion, here's my Patreon:

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Important reminder, if you own a domain name and don't use it for sending email.

There is nothing to stop scammers from sending email claiming to be coming from your domain. And the older it gets, the more valuable it is for spoofing. It could eventually damage your domain's reputation and maybe get it blacklisted, unless you take the steps to notify email servers that any email received claiming to come from your domain should be trashed.

Just add these two TXT records to the DNS for your domain:
TXT v=spf1 -all
TXT v=DMARC1; p=reject;

The first says there is not a single SMTP server on earth authorized to send email on behalf of your domain. The second says that any email that says otherwise should be trashed.

If you do use your domain for sending email, be sure to add 3 records:
SPF record to indicate which SMTP server(s) are allowed to send your email.
DKIM records to add a digital signature to emails, allowing the receiving server to verify the sender and ensure message integrity.
DMARC record that tells the receiving email server how to handle email that fails either check.

You cannot stop scammers from sending email claiming to be from your domain, any more than you can prevent people from using your home address as a return address on a mailed letter. But, you can protect both your domain and intended scam victims by adding appropriate DNS records.

#cybersecurity #email #DomainSpoofing #EmailSecurity #phishing

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@foone @mcc it actually gets even better, because i discovered said hoodie because it appeared as an equippable item in a computer game, with the same QR code on it, and the in-game description, "It will lead you there. It leads them there. Spread the word."

I can't decide if I want to go back to Seattle, specifically, or if I just long for a life closer to where things are happening. Where I don't have to walk half a mile just to get out of the houses and neighborhoods.

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@mcc The other day I spotted a hoodie with a QR code containing a URL to its own store page.

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@mavica_again this is, legitimately, a mouse cursor. it's included with the CD-ROM versions of Moraff's Mahjongg games.

it is the only time i've ever felt like my own mouse is getting in the way of playing the game and it is also the greatest thing ever

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@june i've got a friend named maple who does pixel portraits; i've got one set up on this profile right now.

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her: "when you can, please do the dishes"
me: "I'm in the middle of a very important task"

the task:

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@PlayHistory Henk Rogers gnawing on an L-block is definitely something I needed to see today πŸ˜†β€‹

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How do you sell a game like Tetris?

Different companies had differen answers to this fundamental life question.

Below we have that from Bullet Proof Software in Japan, Mirrorsoft in the UK, and Atari Games in the US.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!