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Made a clock that shows the wrong time when it detects someone looking at it πŸ‘€πŸ™‚

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PSA: Have you been a DS homebrew developer in 2008-2009? AntonioND is leading a project to archive lost versions of PAlib - maybe you have some on your hard drive? (PALib_*.7z files)

List and more information:

he smelled like... something that should not have a scent

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There was also a bit of this dream where I met a friend to talk about a book they were writing, only i could never actually talk to them about it because Esteemed Video Game World Record Cheater Billy Mitchell was there offering "constructive" criticism in the form of pieces of notebook paper with red pen marks all over them

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the one thing that did have fighting, though, was the fan made, fully clay animated Mortal Kombat game, in which Ken from Street Fighter had a cameo appearance. Somebody's Fatality made him pop in from off screen and summon a holographic protection of other Street Fighter characters for some reason. Nobody died. They just looked confused.

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I dreamt last night that I was playing a new street fighter game that had 100% new cast, car racing, and a large dog voiced by Christopher Lloyd.

But it did not have any fighting in it.

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Selaco is created fully independently. We need all the help we can get! Please give a Wishlist to support us <3

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I’ve been watching the incredible PsychOdyssey series from 2 Player Productions and Double Fine, about the making of Psychonauts 2.

It made me want to share a story of how we made the fonts for that game, that I haven’t really explained in-depth before.

(Thread πŸ§΅β¬‡οΈ)

#gamedev #fonts #typography #doubleFine #design #gamedesign

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I don't need a sexual partner to entertain me at night I have blue links in Wikipedia

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January 5, 2050
0% of the population is part of the workforce, with a life expectancy of 0 years.

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Game programming is really hard because some bugs are incredibly subtle and easy to miss

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!