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@revenant years ago i sampled a bunch of the sounds (not from the rom, just soldered in an output jack) and made them into soundfonts, and did this track, tryna channel the style of the original demo arrangers:

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"original song 2" from the Yamaha PSS-12 (1994), as recorded from my WIP MAME driver

envelopes aren't accurate, LFO isn't supported at all and there are probably other issues but it's a start

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Sometimes you just need to be vocally trans inclusive to make sure you don’t have any TERFy followers. They’re like invasive plant species. You can’t let them take root or they might spread.

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i've released a new version of the gameyob gameboy emulator for DSi, it includes all the new features i've worked on so far
- pocket camera mapper support
- color correction for GBC screen approximation
- custom palettes for GB games

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The people wanted to see more interactive paper destruction. We can't say no to that.

#GZDoom #Indiedev #fps

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If you used a Macintosh in the late 80s or early 90s, you're about to have a flashback...

In a good way.

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In 1999 to 2000 I was going through a very rough patch in my life. What with the state of things, I didn't get to see #GalaxyQuest when it was first released. Finally, on a day I was feeling particularly low, and shortly before the movie left the theaters, I canceled work and took myself out to a midday matinΓ©e.

I was the *only* person in a vast theater, of a size that no one builds anymore, sitting and waiting for the lights to go down. At one point, I turned and peered up at the projectionist's booth. I saw a shadowy figure moving back and forth behind the window, bending and straightening. This was in the days before automated, digital films. The Phantom Menace had been released digitally in 1999, but the equipment to show such films was extremely expensive and most theaters hadn't converted yet; "projectionist" was still real job.

While I was looking, the figure paused, strode to the window and peered back at me, then disappeared quickly.

I turned back around and continued to fidget and ponder the misfit pieces of my life.

At the top of the aisle behind me, the theater door swung open and banged loudly on the wall. The projectionist strode down the aisle toward me, a tall barrel-shaped man with a thick beard and glasses. My first thought was that the matinee was canceled due to low turnout, and I'd be getting a refund. Just as I'd resigned myself to that, the marching projectionist shouted out in a booming voice,

"WELCOME to your PRIVATE viewing oooooooof GALAXY QUEST!!!"

He stopped in front of my row, and I saw that he had an *armload* of STUFF. One by one, he began presenting each thing to me, and as the pile in his arms dwindled, the one in my lap grew.

"As our SPECIAL VIP Galaxy Quest GUEST today, YOU are entitled to..."

"- A commemorative t-shirt!"
"- A poster suitable for framing!"
"- A limited edition refrigerator magnet!"
"- A button to pin to your lapel!"

The list and the shwag went on. With every ridiculous item, I laughed harder and harder, until there were tears leaking out of the corners of my eyes.

Then he bowed and shouted, "WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE SHOW!" and turned on his heel to march back up the aisle and out the exit door.

Alas, of all the shwag only the magnet has stood the test of time. But the humor and kindness of the unknown projectionist lives on.

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It's actually bad luck to say MacBook inside an office. You have to call it 'the Scottish Laptop'

here's the real sign of the times: dollar tree ain't cost a dollar anymore

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you've been blessed by the rare Arcueid Dunk, pass it on for good luck

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Myst is "moody, magical, and filled to the brim with mysterious mechanisms..."

It's also the latest subject of our Why I Love series of developer-penned pieces, with this one contributed by Andy Cargile of Smart Technologies

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One of the ones that hurts more than most in these anniversary posts I make. Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon turns 50 today (1 Mar 1973).

While not my fav album of theirs (Animals is), there's no debating the power and influence of this album. Will be spinning it today. Probably more than once. #PinkFloyd #DarkSide #DarkSide50

the mood this morning: this photograph is ten years old, but it'll never not strike me how moody a place can be when it's fogged in and devoid of people

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!