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Thanks to @unknownoutrider I just learned about Unified Cutlery Theory. Prior to this I'd only really known Spoon Theory

I found this page which describes it pretty well.

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play deep rock galactic, it's got
1. dirt
2. bugs
3. beer drink mechanic
4. bad voice acting
5. kick a barrel
6. Egg

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RT @DaisySpiers
It's a shame they had to cut Columbo from Final Fantasy X, but he did add about 40 hours to the cutscenes alone.

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@transparencyboo Saw you were looking for obscure 3DS games over on Twitter?

The eStore-exclusive Pocket Card Jockey is your standard solitaire/horseracing hybrid. It's great and I've never met anyone who's heard of it.

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i am not sure why it doesn't play back in the browser though. it clearly recognizes that it is audio. it just doesn't play

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buying a large enough memory card to carry around my entire music library was a great decision because i can totally just upload random crap from anywhere i want

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This is the Technōs Building, in Beaverton, Oregon. In the 90s it was the headquarters of American Technos, the US branch of the Japanese publisher known for Double Dragon and River City Ransom. They closed in the late 90s, and their building is now a disability care office - but their logo remains, to this day.

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Have the banks considered eating less avocado toast?

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If I could change one thing about the way we talk about copyright, it would be to replace "protected" with "encumbered," at least in the library context. An out-of-print book from 1950 with a dead author and a defunct publisher is not "protected" by copyright; it's encumbered. 60-year-old newspaper articles, 10-year-old political ads, on and on - vast swaths of in-copyright material with no commercial life but some remaining intellectual value aren't protected by copyright. They're encumbered.

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A #screenshotsaturday for Tactical Breach Wizards why not.

You've just arrived in Kalan, and face a number of Riot Priests that suggests you should not have gone to Kalan.

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Stripes are too tight and they don't render right
That's a moiré

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RT @VinciusMedeiro6
Some people are probably not aware of this, but recently an prototype of Rise of the Triad just surfaced arround the internet.

This one is from september 1993, when the game was still supposed to be a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!