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Oh my god it's happening, you can order a SkateBIRD plushie RIGHT NOW!

(boosts appreciated! there's a minimum order we gotta get above)

Anyways LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY IS. With them lil feets.

#GameNews #GamingNews #IndieGame #Gaming

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To protest a #PrideMonth display at their local public #library, right-wing activists thought it would be smart to check out all the featured books and threaten to keep them until the library promised to remove them from its collection.

It backfired. Citizens gave $15k and the city gave $30k to replace the books and expand the collection.

#Books #BookBans #Censorship

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That's an awesome swing! This bear mus be heavy. Write a positive review: "This swing was tested by bears”

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If you're the type that likes to use those 88x31 buttons to link to stuff, I threw one of those together, too.

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I made a website today, by installing Microsoft FrontPage 98 on a 26-year-old laptop. And that website is about golf simulators. Well, more specifically, that website is about two bookshelves that contain golf simulators.

Get to know the Golfshrine at - retro browsers welcomed!

Weasel boosted

This is scary. It's (strong) SafetyNet for websites.

Every now and then I run into another Android app I can no longer run because someone decided my phone, running an official build of my choice of OS, that isn't even rooted, is "not trustable".

Now they want to start doing that for websites.

This kills open Linux on the desktop (including Asahi Linux). It kills alternative browsers. It is a backdoor to kill ad blockers.

No. Just no. Please.

i dunno, maybe i need a website again. it's been for damn ever. haven't the foggiest what to put on one though

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Weasel boosted

open source projects should have anti-acknowledgments, i.e. "project is kept maintained despite the best efforts of the xenophobe [name] that kept harassing the lead developers"

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had the honour of drawing this piece that takes up a BIG wall in the new GiGO Shibuya building in Tokyo, which houses a Fangamer Japan retail store! I think it's going to be up for a year. Go check it out if you're in Japan!

We were exactly one day off, this year, from having Approximated Pi Day on Friday. Alas, this Friday is 21/7, not 22/7 - maybe in another few years.

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The cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon/
Little boy blue and the man in the moon/ I put too much weird stuff in this cradle/ Where’s my baby

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If you remember the Usborne books as fondly as I do, you'll be glad to know that they are available for free on their site at:

The one I'm typing from is "Write your own adventure programs for your microcomputer".

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“Sam Taking A Selfie with Her Robot Called Tom”

by Facet / Bonzai ^ Genesis Project ^ Lemon




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Bubsy 3D is many things, but is it... aesthetic? Great video from Joyless, who I don't think is on Mastodon:

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I should clarify that either way, I'm absolutely someone with odd musical tastes.

Nelward is one of my favorites, I've spent entire days just listening to this on repeat. It's a space you can just exist in. The space is stinky and smells like cheese, but like, fancy cheese.

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If you are horrified by the Web Environment Integrity proposal by Google (#DRM for ads), stop using Chrome and switch to Firefox and block ads everywhere.

The only eyeballs left for Google to show ads are the ones protected by ad blockers. That’s the highest growth opportunity they have, and we cannot let them have it.

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Weasel boosted

Such a banger by Heaven 17. The bass player is having way too much fun on this one.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!