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MS-DOS machines are lonely and isolated?

Thanks to modern tools created decades after MS-DOS' obsolecense, you can connect your MS-DOS 6.22 machine to the modern internet - and the fediverse.

Please welcome #dostodon by @dec_hl!

#dostodon #msdos #retrocomputing

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@ja2ke @aaronsgiles

I haven't seen it, but this seems like a good time to point out that is still up, but no one knows for how long.

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Oh dear god I've done it - all maps played and RAMP 2023 is in a state that I'm ready to call finished! Download it at . It is an 850MB Doom WAD. It has 296 maps in it. It is seriously, tremendously ridiculous. Thanks to all contributors for your amazing maps and assets!

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tomorrow (friday, 4th)! we have bumped up our goal to another 100gbp and we will vanquish bowser in super mario world for once and for all!

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Weasel boosted

I co-wrote a cookbook for depressed people and other folks with zero spoons, only knives. It's not meant to be gourmet cooking so much as a survival guide for late stage capitalism. And you can get it for free!

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Weasel boosted

Patreon changed its billing from California to Dublin for this month. So a lot of banks rejected the transactions as possible fraud.

This would be recoverable ... except that Patreon’s systems automatically wiped all users with a bounced transaction!

there is no news writeup yet, but start at this twitter thread:

IF YOU SPONSOR SOMEONE ON PATREON: go in and check your transactions for August, and re-send them if they bounced. The β€œretry” link is located in your billing history.

Patreon are being vague and trying to play it down. We *assume* they are trying to un-bugger their screwup.

Also, payments via Payoneer have been disabled for now, so that'll be me personally. arse.

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The existence of "Mike Judge" implies that "Judge" is a not-uncommon last name. So somewhere in the USA is there a Judge Judge

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Here, I made you a Slack emoji for when you're talking about GenAI

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Please do not gaze upon my works and despair! I worked really hard on them

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The game is packed with references to world food… from Vietnamese rice pancakes (Banh xeo) to Italian mushroom sauce for pasta (Boscaiola) to Turkish stuffed aubergines (Imam bayildi) to Welsh leek soup (Cawl cennin).

As with everything else in the game, the localisation team did a fantastic job digging up this stuff. Some of these dishes don't even have a Wikipedia entry.

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One example here. I'd never heard of Ema Datshi before. In game, it's described as a cheese and hot chilli pepper dish from the Azim Steppe.

In reality, it's from Bhutan:


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I’ve had such an education in the exotic foods of the world by looking up the names of #FFXIV food items on Wikipedia.

re: entity formerly known as Twitter 

also when is that idiot gonna transition it to a new domain and break my bookmark so i can quit going there out of habit

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entity formerly known as Twitter 

God they're actually renaming tweetdeck now, it's xpro now or some crap. how much you wanna bet that clashes with some pay ware hex editor or CAD program

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MORF02A.ICO - Fronts, Convert Files

...Buttonbars, Buttonpads, Buttons, Slides

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!