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Weasel boosted

Someone posted this on the chicago subreddit and i cant stop watching it

Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

Anybody confused why people still listen to turntables or CD players forget that they never:

- stop working because they can't connect to WiFi
- stop working because they need a firmware update
- stop working because the manufacturer dropped support
- say "if you like Bach you might like Taylor Swift"
- play ads
- recommend "turntable premium"

Weasel boosted

Skimming through random midi files from years old downloads and found this one that has... lyrics.

it's an instrumental song from a video game.

Weasel boosted

Got invited to join the Video Game History Foundation's podcast this week, talking about my "first CD-ROM game" blog post from the other week. Chatting with Phil was a lot of fun, hope you enjoy listening!

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

hi i need money would you like to buy some hand crafted pixels bring your face, bring a picture, bring a pet, that's right, we'll draw your pet

Weasel boosted

h.u.r.g. (high level user friendly real time games designer), title screen, zx spectrum (1984)

Weasel boosted

Updated Chrome today, and was immediately given a prompt about how my browsing preferences would be directly used to feed me ads.

Chrome auto-enabled a feature that sends sites info to send me personalized ads based on browsing history, the ability for sites to determine what I like and update the ads as I browse, and the ability for sites to measure ad effectiveness.

These are built-in features of the browser now.


anyway i just played mario paint for achievements and had auto screenshots enabled

re: last boost - the light mode/dark mode thing is one of those things that makes me seriously miss when operating systems had some degree of OPTIONS YOU CAN SET for color schemes, themes, etc.

nothing lets you do that anymore and that's just a shame, at best you get an "accent color" and a light/dark toggle that not everything even respects

Weasel boosted

Hello tech bros a reminder that dark mode gives some people with certain kinds of astigmatism (me) eye strain and headaches and so no it's not always "the accessible option"

Test your software on light mode please

If the icons on your buttons are now white on a white background because you never did this, you made an app that I can't use

Weasel boosted

Realms of Darkness was billed as an #Amiga RPG, for those who hated RPGs. Featuring isometric sections mixed with 2D combat views, the game looked impressive - but was canned after lack of payment from Grandslam. Could remains of it be found some day?

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Weasel boosted

100 Reasons the Amiga Was Amazing #3 Directory Opus

File manager Directory Opus started on the Amiga and moved to Windows, making it one of those essential tools that I use on both systems. Going back to File Explorer after DOpus' dual pane listers feels like losing a limb.

Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

I am *SO* sick of joining #Discord Servers for everything and anything.

I do NOT want to join your server of 400+ people I *do not know* and have no desire to talk to because you wouldn't link me your GitHub or site directly or put necessary information in your README for a thing I just want to download and use.

Please, for the love of Celestia STOP doing this. IF your server gets deleted, that information is GONE. If Discord shuts down, that information is GONE. If someone doesn't want to join a 400+ person chat room, they're SCREWED. PLEASE STOP.

You people know that there are limits to the number of servers people can JOIN right?!

Sweet Luna's Moon! Seriously, just make an RSS Feed..! Put up an info page on GitHub Pages, it's FREE.

I miss forums you could browse without an account :fluttersad:

Please... please... #StopDiscordCentralization


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!