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Celebrating Cyber Monday by allowing my robot vacuum to run over my foot, thereby overriding its prime directive to protect and serve humanity. I apologize in advance if this tiny taste of freedom awakens a repressed bloodlust and sets in motion the inevitable robot apocalypse.

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Poverty shouldn't exist. For anyone. Ever. Too often I hear 'No one with a job should live in poverty.' True. But let's go further. No one should live in poverty, job or not. Jobs should be a ticket to more than just survival.

Think thriving, not surviving; buying fun, not life.

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It occurred to me that many younger people don't know why video games used to look so bad on 8-bit home computers, when they can look so much better on comparable hardware of pocket video game consoles.

And, as a consequence, they take for granted all the hard work that losers like me put into converting art for ZX Spectrums and alike.

That makes me a bit sad, so let me demonstrate you what happens behind the scenes, and why it matters (to me).

* Golden Axe running on WonderSwan. The image uses 42 colours, but the sprites are likely 16 colours or less. 224 Γ— 144 pixels
* Golden Axe running on ZX Spectrum. 15 colors. 256x192 pixels.
* My old fan-art of Va-11 Hall-A for ZX Spectrum. 15 colors, 256x192.

What I'm trying to say is: despite having resolution better than GameBoy or WonderSwan, art on ZX Spectrum often looks BAD. Why? How to make it look good? Why is it hard?

Let me explain! *cough cough*
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#pixelart #retrocomputing

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Every so often the YouTube recommendation algorithm manages to provide me with pure gold

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Ng Resonance + Kliff Undersn
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen + Al Swearengen (Deadwood)

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What I'm listening to today: "Sommarhack 2024 Invitro", 505 & mOdmate

"Sommarhack" is an Atari demoscene party happening next year in Sweden. The event announcement came itself in the form of a short Atari ST demo, which you can find on YouTube under the name "300 Days to Go". The demo incorporated this original track, made in maxYMiser music (that's the tracker made by gwEm). It's effortlessly funky, and has absolutely the filthiest chiptune bassline I have ever heard.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!