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I just released my first #textadventure style game in over a decade, "You Are Standing." It's written in Inform 6 and is a bit of a love letter to various eras of interactive fiction history. It can run on a modern computer or a Tandy 1000 (pictured running in DOSBox below), emulates six different styles of text game, and fits in a <90K file. More deets here:

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It's almost 2024 and I'm happy to report this is still the best logo sequence ever shown in a videogame

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some old DOS utilities had a graphical mouse cursor in text mode! i’ve investigated how they did it.

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Had to replace my phone screen, so I tossed the fingerprint sensor under a microscope

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In 2022, Tom Lehrer released all his songs, lyrics and works to the public domain, an amazing move. While checking on the site, I found out he silently released more material in September of 2023 - a DAT tape of his work with an orchestra and some solo piano takes that are not elsewhere. If you're a Lehrer fan, quite a surprise.

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I'm laying in bed. Christine comes in. "Are you okay?"

Me, puzzled. "Sure, why?"

"You cried out loudly."

"Oh!", I reply. "That was because I saw this."

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M4 engine lands ScummVM master.

This engine is used by two games, Orion Burger and Riddle of Master Lu. So far, only Orion Burger is completable. It is our second attempt to bring the engine, the first one started in 2008, and in 2011, we removed the engine because it hit a dead end in its development.

The engine has all of its logic hard-coded, e.g., every aspect, every actor, and every object has relevant code in C++. This is why it took so much effort from DreamMaster. And the resulting engine is almost 75k lines of code, supporting only one game so far.

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@flexion @aks It doesn't look random, but it is also hard to make sense of it. It doesn't look like a list of vertices, that's for sure.

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Oh and hey, the free Epic game today is Ghostwire Tokyo! That was great!

Got shat on super unfairly, it was super fun to explore ghost Japan and pewpew with magic fingers and string. The verticality of the space was super memorable too, kinda rare in open world FPSes.

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So here's how I've nerdsniped myself this morning.

I've discovered when Wikipedia lists a person's birthplace (I assume this is a documented WP:BIO policy) they list the country *as it was named at the time they were born*. For example Yoko Ono is listed as having been born in the "Empire of Japan".

This policy extends to territories which were occupied. Former Samsung chairman Lee Kun-hee is listed as having been born in "Japanese Korea (present-day Daegu, Republic of Korea)". (1/3)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!