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I found my old Win9X thin client! Remember getting this little thing after watching Phil's Computer Lab video, though I managed to go even lower than Windows 98SE, despite the first ATI Radeon not having native Windows 95 support.

This thing worked remarkably well for a Transmeta Crusoe-based PC. Behaved more or less like a Pentium II machine, enough juice for the vast majority of 199x-2000 games.

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Did you release a game for a retro platform in 2023?

DOS? GBA? Mega Drive? C64? NES? PS1? Wii? Speccy?

Or do you know of one that you really like as a player?

Can you tell me about it within the next 14 hours?

I'm writing a very fast turn-around article for a retro book that I'm handing over first thing tomorrow morning and I want to finish it up by name checking some modern retro games, including those that aren't necessarily on my radar.

I obviously know about notable stuff like The Aching, Briley Witch 2, GoodBoy Galaxy, and Barren Planet, but there's just so much cool software coming out on "dead" platforms and I'd like to know about anything amazing that I might have missed.

It's currently about 15:30 UTC on the 10th of January 2024. That means your cut-off is around 5:30 UTC on the 11th of January. The sooner the better, though.

#GameDev #RetroGaming

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using my blog to just dump all my knowledge of obscure lost games in the hope that one day someone will dump them online, starting with a FMV game staring Ty Burrell made for Minute Maid

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Played some of this old Atari 2600 game today, as it's one my brother and I adored - we played the hell out of this. I remember thinking it was super advanced, which I suppose it was in some ways back in the day. :)

It was an RPG called Dragonstomper.

#OhNoAGolem #Dragonstomper #Atari #Atari2600

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I collect these. I call them "design in the wild" where end users fix design mistakes on their own. It's a bit shocking how often this happens. Think of how bad it has to be to reach this point. #ux

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Steamboat Willie is public domain. So, the First Person Shooter I never knew I needed, or wanted, is coming soon...

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It's almost 2024 and I'm happy to report this is still the best logo sequence ever shown in a videogame

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Had to replace my phone screen, so I tossed the fingerprint sensor under a microscope

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In 2022, Tom Lehrer released all his songs, lyrics and works to the public domain, an amazing move. While checking on the site, I found out he silently released more material in September of 2023 - a DAT tape of his work with an orchestra and some solo piano takes that are not elsewhere. If you're a Lehrer fan, quite a surprise.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!