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i'm using a decade-old android tablet with probably 512MB RAM and it's uncanny how smooth and responsive android 4 was with this little hardware. what the fuck happened

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i've always wondered why VCR remote controls rarely have Eject buttons. almost every VCR I've ever operated, save for maybe two, have required you to press the Eject button on the unit itself.

on the other end, if you personally hadn't opted out of binding arbitration, and a class-action suit comes up (and wins), would the court be cross-referencing class-action members to the list of opters-out, and be like, "nope, Person Z didn't opt out, they aren't allowed to claim damages"?

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i'm sure there's some way that's actually illegal, but i'd bet you, nobody's actually gone to court about it before, and they'd have a hell of a time proving that's what the company did.

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whenever a company does their "binding arbitration with opt-out" thing, does opting out of it actually legally do anything? is there any reason the company won't just take all the email requests to opt-out of arbitration, and throw them at the next data-collection vendor that happens by? like, "here is a guaranteed batch of users who are computer-savvy enough to hang out in places that know how to opt-out of binding arbitration, ergo, your new audience"

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Mistodon: the occasion observed today, #CleanUpYourRoom Day, might be in some tenuous way related to yesterday's memorial for lost socks. (Hint: they're under your bed!) This #ANSIart illustration by AdeptApril hammers the point home. (Well, the shelves are nice and clean!)

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Oh wow... This is something special! I found an early pre-release version of "Castle of the Winds" .. v0.5.4. This was apparently released exclusively for Microsoft employees back in the day.

I think it's an awesome collector's piece! My gratitude goes to "iamxray" for his generous upload.

Here's where I found it:

Have fun guys!

#RetroGaming #Win311 #RPG #Microsoft

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Dear followers, some of you may know that there is a state in Brazil suffering from a severe climate catastrophe. Well, this state is called Rio Grande do Sul, and I live here. We've been dealing with almost 2 weeks of heavy rain, which made many rivers and lakes to flood, one of them in my hometown, the capital Porto Alegre. Many of my friends had to abandon their houses and some of them lost everything. Since a decade ago we've been dealing with a extreme neoliberal agenda that promoved heavy economic austerity in the capital and in the whole state. Now, the government doesn't have resources to save and protect the people for the next calamities. We are on our own. So, I'll post here a link of a very respectable social organization from Brazil, the movement for homeless workers (MTST) which is accepting international donations. THIS IS A SERIOUS POST, NOT A SCAM, you can search the topic on your own if you want.

Link for donations:

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they're in witness protection i can't disclose their new identities

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tenmyouji on the PalmDB discord just released a working 2FA app for PalmOS! It's installed on my Professional and is showing correct codes after setting it up for discord 2FA

#palm #retrocomputing

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@moshboy a 1913 e.j. sullivan illustration titled "skeleton amid roses" from "the rubaiyat of omar khayyam," used in the '60s/'70s on grateful dead poster/album art & now part of their iconography.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!