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I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Sewer music from the NES Terminator game, but it's a simple beat that never ends like they ran out of time before they could finish it.

So, using a NES soundfont, I had a go at making an actual tune out of it whilst also trying to crowbar the Terminator "motif" in there.

#MIDI #RetroGaming

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They say big trucks are just a reality if you want to make deliveries in the city.

I say there's other ways to solve the "last-mile" problem...

There's your beer kegsβ€”sorted.



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β€œThat’s when Neil looked at the coin counter meter. it read β€œ000001”:

And, sitting in the coin bucket was a single coin; a quarter dated 1983.”

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Ya know what? I'm gonna toot my own horn today On Here Specifically.

I have already received at least a dozen thankful comments/replies for letting people know they can slow down door closers. A lot of people have been living with irritating bangs in apartment buildings and whatnot.

And thanks to watching a YouTube video, their life is now better. I didn't sell anything to them, I just decided to share some knowledge in my own (hopefully entertaining) way.

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After playing through The Crimson Diamond by @JuliaMinamata, I just had to see the game's gorgeous EGA artwork on a real CRT! So I took a couple screencaps from the game, nearest neighbor scaled them down and cropped them to 320x200, converted to PCX and copied them over to my IBM PC/AT on floppy disk. This is a real EGA monitor and you can see the beautiful scanlines. Now I can imagine what it'd be like to play the game on an old PC back in the day.

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Printer refused to print until I'd changed the cyan toner - even though I specifically requested a monochrome print.

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GOLF03B.ICO - Activity, Ballgame

...Balls, Baseball, Bowls, Football, Golf, Pingpong, Pool

Good: Links LS runs on my Toshiba Libretto!
Bad: Links LS requires a screen res of 800x600, and the Libretto only does 640x480. So all the UI (swing meter and all) is pushed off screen where I can't see to click on it.

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I have now been given a deadline for this, so if you want hundreds of classic games on the cheap plz do contact me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!