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Weasel boosted

does anyone know of a
blog-like cms with features:
- self-hostable
- subscribe to posts with email
- rss
- activityPub
- supports images upload
- posts in markdown in webUI
- smolweb/minimalist
- no nodeJS

plz boost :boost_anim_sleeping:

Weasel boosted

one thing that will never get old:
searching "GAMENAME cheats" and finding some page from 2004 that lists the following three cheats:
* infinite health
* level skip
* main character walks funny

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Weasel boosted

I got my wife Dragon Age for Christmas, but it doesn’t come in physical on PC. That just would not stand.

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Weasel boosted

A merry treethumb 🎄​👍​ to all to whom it applies.

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Baristicuffs trilogy complete!
Coffee / Tea / Hot Chocolate
Tea not on the website as a print yet as I’m surrounded by boxes.

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This tribute to M.C. Escher by Katsuhiro Otomo (of Akira fame) gets me every time 😍

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Weasel boosted changing your gamertag on xbox live is more expensive than changing your legal name in poland and i think that's hilarious

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I propose we replace semantic versioning with pride versioning

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Weasel boosted

There's a parliamentary petition for an independent review of the Cass report into gender medical services for young people. It's a highly problematic document commissioned by the previous government and shaped by anti-trans viewpoints.

If you're a Brit, you can sign it, whether you live in the UK or not. Please do.

Weasel boosted

it is 14 minutes to midnight in my area. here is a picture of Craig Stadler from the back of the box for PGA Tour Golf 2.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!