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Weasel boosted

Removed my bookmark to Tweetdeck today. Even if Twitter itself will keep existing, I'm not going there anymore - Tweetdeck made that hell site usable, and it's getting paywalled. I can't even _read_ it comfortably anymore.

Weasel's here to stay.

Hello. I'm the ketchup. Did you know that there's more sugar in me than in ice cream? It's a fact!

Weasel boosted

new #Quake #leveldesign #jam is starting: Explore Jam 3 is about making non-combat maps! imo perfect for beginners who just want to vibe in 3D space without studying intricacies of Quake combat + a generous 2 month timeframe

jam info and links here:

links to quake mapping tutorials and guides:

use with the most beautiful quake textures ever made:

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

A Calculated Move: Calculators Now Emulated at Internet Archive.

..which is actually a stealth request that people consider joining the MAME Artwork efforts, which allow beautiful renderings of machines to be clickable on machines. It's more in the Art than Programming sphere, and it would be great if more people joined it.

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Weasel boosted

Oh, wow, Tom Lehrer has released all of his songs into the public domain. Apparently also his website will shut down "at some date in the not too distant future" so now's a good time to download directly.

"In short, I no longer retain any rights to any of my songs.
So help yourselves, and don’t send me any money."

Weasel boosted

anyway turns out the battery in the ipaq 214 isn't as dead as i thought it was and i got linux running on it and there's a version of pidgin in the angstrom repos and idk this is just dumb fun

i'm so glad bots are allowed to exist here, and i mean that in full seriousness and in full understanding of the deeper implications

Timely reminder that Windows still lets you rename the Recycle Bin to whatever you want.

Weasel boosted

The best video of 2022 was uploaded to YouTube in December, and it’s only been seen by about 1200 people.

*That* Steve Ballmer video.

In high quality.

And longer.

#microsoft #computerhistory #developers

Weasel boosted

Designed by Vadim Gerasimov, co-developer of the original PC version of Tetris, Vadims is a puzzle game in a similar style. Arrange the falling blocks horizontally or vertically to draw a triangle. Definitely less immediate then the original Tetris.
The game was only released on PlayStation in Japan in 1996 and quickly forgotten.

Weasel boosted

TIL it was just my #firefox that made the web suddenly seem full of webp images. To disable saving in this stupid format go to about: config and set


to false. Wish there were more easy #hacks like that one.

Weasel boosted

some incredible person rewrote warren robinett's Robot Odyssey (apple //) for a browser

if you've never heard of it: you explore an underground city of robots by... hopping inside of a robot, visually reprogramming it by picking up and dropping things, and then using it to do stuff

crazy great #ui design, especially considering this was 1984.

the code would be later torn apart and repurposed for other games in the Learning Company's library, like Rocky's Boots.

play in any browser here:

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Weasel boosted

Mambos No. 1-3 were sabotaged during construction. Mambo No. 4 vanished shortly after coming online. Mambo No. 5 is our last, best hope for peace.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!