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Just found out that the delightful Hogs of War, one of the most underrated games of the late PS1 era, is getting a remaster, and you can follow the developers on here at @HogsofWarLardcore

If you're not familiar with the game, look it up. It's like Worms in 3D, with pigs, but redesigned to be a satire of the First World War. I once did an episode of my Life & Times of Video Games podcast on its design and development:
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One day I'll write a book on the post-2000 indie games resurgence, but in the meantime there's now a cool free ebook by Ben Latimore (creator of the excellent Flashpoint preservation project) about the heyday of Flash games.

"my breakfast cereal is collabing with a web3 brand" reminds me of this time my jug of milk was shilling for the same kinda thing

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People are calling today the 30th birthday of the web; more accurately itโ€™s the 30th birthday of CERN releasing the source code. I vividly remember websites being a curiosity among FTP servers, Usenet newsgroups, and gopher holes.

Hereโ€™s to this marvelous technology, Earthโ€™s biggest Choose Your Own Adventure book, one of the most backwardly compatible systems ever built. Modern browsers may be elaborate interpreter-compilers but they still render the first site:

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Need something to move this timeline forward a bit. Here's a breakfast cereal crossover that I do not understand. Who/what is Ambush. The cereal doesn't seem to look or be flavored any different from normal. Is it going to drop a dubstep beat when I pop the box open.

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RT @GohBilly1
Here I put together over 90 "Fight" logos from various fighting games. It's worth noting only games with "Fight" are here as many fighting games use another phrase (Go! being the second most common).

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I went a little nuts with lunch ๐Ÿ˜‚ i made naan mini pizzas with portobello and shitaki mushrooms, caramelized onions and shallots, smoked goat cheese, fresh cilantro and thyme and a balsamic vinegar & evoo drizzle

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I don't think I've posted this here yet, but if you love Sega games during the 90's you've most likely have heard this mans voice many times.

Here's a wonderful doc on the man himself:
Takenobu Mitsuyoshi


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When they insist on knowing my bliss
I tell them this
When they want to know what the MIDI is
I only smile when I lie, then I tell them why


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!