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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

Restored* this image of claymation Wario I found in a magazine scan on @internetarchive.

Please put it to appropriate (and inappropriate) use, as befits such a stately image. Suitable for avatars, video thumbnails, corporate PowerPoints, condolence cards, et cetera.

* text removal/content-aware fill/colour correction/noise reduction


Weasel boosted

I acquired (with help) a killer audio cassette digitizing rig, and then IMMEDIATELY had to spend over 2 months digitizing 90+ cassettes from the 1999 Game Developers Conference (via a slow-and-steady workflow that got the job done without being too disruptive to any other work I was doing).

So, here we are, it's done. Go enjoy 70+ hours of presentations about all aspects of game making and producing, in 1999.

Weasel boosted

Adding more solitaires to my collection; this one's Binary Solitaire! The idea is to make stacks from 7 to 1 by counting in binary

Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

:drake_dislike: On one hand having to blast spammers is annoying.

:drake_like: On the other hand it does mean that a precious ad-free zone badly wants to be penetrated precisely because it is rare and valuable in this world and we own it. Let’s keep defending it. Thanks to members for issuing reports, thanks to admins for forwarding them to the attacked sources. Together we will defeat the pernicious pollution of #cryptospam

Weasel boosted

belated addition to the Yamaha GEW7 keyboard collection in MAME, for your cheesy listening enjoyment

Weasel boosted

He has no name, but we know his name all the same. It has changed with time, shifting under the weight of ages, but is most often β€œJack.” Jack in the Green, Jack of the Trees. Jack of the Woods. They call him John Barleycorn as well. They call him many things, and of all the small gods, he is perhaps the greatest, for without him, an essential piece of the human spirit would be lost forever. We cannot thrive where the green is gone.

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

The way this game alerts you to there being new moves...

(FoxFire 13, Randy Rasa, 1996)

Weasel boosted

Thou shalt fight any sprout of intolerance
80x74 pixels - 4 colors
hope you'll like it :-)
#pixelart #medieval

Weasel boosted

Don't listen to anyone who says "likes don't matter" on here.

Yes, it's true that there's no algorithm for them to feed.

But letting people you know that you like what they're sharing, that you agree with them, that they're not just shouting into an empty abyss? That matters.

Weasel boosted

I think Mastodon people should use the "like" button more.

People are told not to like because liking doesn't broadcast posts like boosting does, and the site needs boosts. And replies are preferred because they're deeper engagement or something.

But, on some level, we want people to keep using Mastodon. If someone posts something and followers like it, they know stuff is getting seen here and they'll want to keep using the site. I just don't see what's gained by holding back on the likes

Weasel boosted

at least once a year i go back to a criminally underappreciated #adventuregame that was originally built for the #amiga and received an incredible PC port

DreamWeb is, to my knowledge, the only adventure game to use this particular perspective. it is a fascinating game engine - pixel-perfect non-tile-based interface with object-oriented design

the atmosphere and animations are top notch, along with a setting that is equal parts Blade Runner and Se7en.

i grieve that we never received any more games like this from Creative Reality, who went on to produce Martian Gothic Unification for the PSX years later.

Weasel boosted

I just got access to Google’s new MusicLM and…


No exaggeration when I say this will change the music industry. Thanks for the HT.

Weasel boosted

Hey look, it's Outlaws running the Direct3D driver. Not really much of an improvement visually, though you can see the bilinear filtering at least.

Probably better to play this in software mode in general. I don't think bilinear adds much to the textures, and you lose part of the HUD as well (can't remember why we didn't include that).

Weasel boosted

Carousel, my DOS "typewriter" and latest labor-of-love homebrew project, is now officially released. Aaaahh! Scary and fun!

There's a li'l in-game carnival prize up for grabs for the first 25 downloads, too. ;-)

Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

inspired by an @foone post, I've been working on a Mastodon to POP3/SMTP bridge that enables email clients on retro and modern machines to read and post to Mastodon. It supports images (both posting and viewing), replies, and HTML/Unicode. Plus it's written in rust, for the hacker cred. Check it out, I'd love to see what machines can talk to it!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!