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Hello tech bros a reminder that dark mode gives some people with certain kinds of astigmatism (me) eye strain and headaches and so no it's not always "the accessible option"

Test your software on light mode please

If the icons on your buttons are now white on a white background because you never did this, you made an app that I can't use

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Realms of Darkness was billed as an #Amiga RPG, for those who hated RPGs. Featuring isometric sections mixed with 2D combat views, the game looked impressive - but was canned after lack of payment from Grandslam. Could remains of it be found some day?

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100 Reasons the Amiga Was Amazing #3 Directory Opus

File manager Directory Opus started on the Amiga and moved to Windows, making it one of those essential tools that I use on both systems. Going back to File Explorer after DOpus' dual pane listers feels like losing a limb.

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I am *SO* sick of joining #Discord Servers for everything and anything.

I do NOT want to join your server of 400+ people I *do not know* and have no desire to talk to because you wouldn't link me your GitHub or site directly or put necessary information in your README for a thing I just want to download and use.

Please, for the love of Celestia STOP doing this. IF your server gets deleted, that information is GONE. If Discord shuts down, that information is GONE. If someone doesn't want to join a 400+ person chat room, they're SCREWED. PLEASE STOP.

You people know that there are limits to the number of servers people can JOIN right?!

Sweet Luna's Moon! Seriously, just make an RSS Feed..! Put up an info page on GitHub Pages, it's FREE.

I miss forums you could browse without an account :fluttersad:

Please... please... #StopDiscordCentralization


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TIL there is apparently no way to emulate the CD-i version of The 7th Guest on PC because it requires a CD-i add-on called the Digital Video Cartridge. I checked three different emulators and none of them support DVC.

It's a real shame, too, because it looks like they re-rendered all the walking transitions in a much higher framerate than the DOS version, and I'd love to get some hi-res footage of that. It's fucking smooth as butter!

Have a look:

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a capitalist would look at the doujin art scene that has sprung up around Touhou, encouraged and cultivated by its author with his permissive licensing, and say that, despite ZUN being famous/beloved and easily making enough to live off of, that he's a failure, as he hasn't turned Touhou into a paperclip maximizer

but if your goal is the enrichment of culture and the arts, upholding storytelling traditions and inventing new ones, of inspiring and bringing together the next generation around a shared medium, then Touhou and ZUN have succeeded beyond all expectations, in its own niche way

capitalism is a thought-terminating cliche that cannot fathom people valuing things other than monetary growth

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ZUN's author notes of Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost are, once again, inspiring

in a world that demands perfection and efficiency, imperfection and the flow of creativity within art scenes amount to an act of rebellion

#touhou #antiAI

This toot brought to you by "I got tired of my thumb-trackball that had a scroll wheel and switched to a more comfortable trackball that doesn't have anything like that and also doesn't have Mouse Button 3 at all."

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Boy it's hard to get around the modern internet without anything like a scroll wheel. Everything's designed around just being a quick swipe. Scroll bars are too narrow to grab, arrow keys are often interpreted as "next/prev item", pgup/pgdn go...well, an entire page at once.

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Humans outlive their ability to drive safely by ten years, yet most cities are built on the assumption they’ll do it forever.

To allow for successful aging in place, we must rethink our car-first streets and provide amenities within a short walk or roll.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!