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soft-launching a 24/7 mythbusters NSV stream. runs on my pentium II computer

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New blog post: Reviving Sega's forgotten golf MMO after 14 years

This is part 2, wherein I successfully enable SEGA SPLASH! GOLF's practice mode, recover the shop and character customisation, fix a crash bug and even make the game speak TLS 1.3

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I've never wanted to rub an otter's hands more than I do right now. I want to go to there. :otter_hug: #otter

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I feel it is my duty to share the greatest #otter video of all time.

I alway watch this whenever I come across it. This time the link took me to a place I didn’t want to be so I’ve screen captured it to be enjoyed by all here in safety. We all need to give ourselves a tiny fraction of the self love this otter is!

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On Youtube, there's a guy who does NOTHING BUT reviews of video game light guns, going back to the original Odyssey.

This is a legitimately awesome project. Deeply comprehensive, showing the evolution of gun peripheral technology. #videogamehistory

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Weasel boosted

Artifact for your RPG:

Knight Quill.

The party is given this quill by a well-to-do man in armor. For some reason, it makes its user feel drowsy (but, curiously, also free of any sniffling, sneezing, stuffy head, or fever).

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Weasel boosted

Here's some helpful Mastodon tips:

1. Boost posts to let that user know you are hungry and would like for them to make you a grilled cheese.

2. Do not follow anyone named Kevin. Kevins are shunned here.

3. Tell us about yourself! Write your height, weight, and combat experience in your bio so others have at least a vague idea of how they would fare against you in the octagon.

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In 1995 Full Throttle's electric bunnies accompanied by Ride of the Valkyries was absolutely the funniest gag I've ever seen in a videogame.

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My favorite new prop for our upcoming H3VR level is the Brutalist Exploding Video Game Barrel, authored by @makkon

It has already been dubbed the "Squarrel" by the community, which I love.

#gamedev #indiedev #brutalism #vr

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Still thinking about this Tim Schaffer credit in Star Wars Racer thing.

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Recently discovered!

A working model of the #Sega game Periscope has been found in the United States. Past Times Arcade in Ohio has managed to preserve an incredibly important piece of arcade history.

Check out the blog by @cpi to learn a bit more about Periscope and see the rest of the images:

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i still think this is the funniest block reason my school has ever set

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EFF, kiwifarms, death, harassment :boost_requested: 

So the EFF posted an article calling out Hurricane Electric (an ISP) for cutting off Kiwifarms, arguing that cutting off sites should never be possible:

... and it's the most privileged, liberal shit I've seen in a while. Let's go into why.

As a refresher: KF is a community of harassers; people whose main goal is harassing particularly marginalized people, frequently to the point of actual death. They have a number of murders on their name, and they are only legally not murders because they were driven to suicide through harassment.

It's hard to get across how relentless this community can be. There have been attempts to get them cut off from internet service providers for quite a while, because "just ignoring them" clearly doesn't work, and they will go out of their way to harass people wherever they go, using their site as an organizing platform.

So: actual, real people are being deliberately and constantly harmed by them, to the point of trauma and death. The only defense against this that has had some effect so far, has been to get their service cut off.

It's under these circumstances that the EFF made a couple of arguments:
1. This blocking might cause collateral damage for other things hosted under the same organizations.
2. This creates a slippery slope; they might also start blocking other things, like marginalized people.
3. Prosecuting KF members is the job of the cops and the courts, not of an ISP.

The first one is an easy one; if organizations don't want to be caught in the crossfire, they shouldn't knowingly associate with a community of bigoted murderers. 11 nazis at the table, etc., you know how this goes.

The second one is deceptive, however; it *sounds* like a credible issue, and it's consistent with what the EFF has campaigned for before.

Slippery slopes can be a real thing where legislation and court mandates are concerned. If an ISP is compelled to start blocking one thing, and all the legal legwork is done to make that happen, then it is indeed very likely that this will experience scope creep, and blocks of other things start being demanded.

However, this isn't about government policy. This is about a first-party decision by a corporation to block using existing means. In other words, something they could've already done for anything anyway - this decision doesn't make anything possible, it doesn't remove any barriers, it's still just as possible to block stuff as it was before.

There is no slippery slope.

The third point, however, is where the privilege really shines through. It's the job of the cops, right? Sounds very principled and reasonable. But what if the cops just... don't?

KF has been around for a long time now. Authorities know about its existence. And yet, it's still untouched - clearly the cops and courts cannot be relied upon here.

A recurring problem with liberals is that they assume that the systems are there to serve them, and by extension, to serve everybody - even when there's clear evidence that they don't, like is the case here. Those legal systems aren't serving the many marginalized targets getting harassed and murdered by Kiwifarms.

Saying "the cops should handle this, not corporations" under circumstances where they clearly don't, is functionally equivalent to saying "this should not be handled at all". It doesn't matter what you *think* cops should do, what matters is the practical effect, and whether it prevents or perpetuates harm.

The reality is that *something* needs to be done - immediately, not in some hypothetical future - to protect marginalized folks from Kiwifarms. They are getting harmed *now*, it's not hypothetical. If the cops don't do that, then the job is unfortunately left to everybody else, whether you like it or not.

And the EFF's stance that "the cops should do something about this" would be a lot more credible if the EFF actually put in some effort to make that happen, rather than just using it as a cheap defense against people not Following The Procedures.

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KEYS02D.ICO - System, Devices

....Joysticks, Keyboards, Monitors, Meeces, Trackballs

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NEW MDiD πŸ¦‹ You can help Dracula be a breadwinner during my layoff. Thanks for your support! Link in comments ‡️

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!