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Mistodon: this 1-bit, monochrome #teletext portrait of Charles Follen McKim's celebrated New York #BeauxArts showpiece #PennStation (knocked down in 1963) was drawn by @atonalosprey and included in the new MIST0823 artpack collection.

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Suddenly thinking about the time an Evidence Custodian gave a talk in front of my high school forensic science class. When he started Q&A, I asked him what the weirdest thing was he'd ever had to admit as evidence.

"An entire taxidermized crocodile."

He did not elaborate about why it was evidence.

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soft-launching a 24/7 mythbusters NSV stream. runs on my pentium II computer

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New blog post: Reviving Sega's forgotten golf MMO after 14 years

This is part 2, wherein I successfully enable SEGA SPLASH! GOLF's practice mode, recover the shop and character customisation, fix a crash bug and even make the game speak TLS 1.3

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I've never wanted to rub an otter's hands more than I do right now. I want to go to there. :otter_hug: #otter

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I feel it is my duty to share the greatest #otter video of all time.

I alway watch this whenever I come across it. This time the link took me to a place I didn’t want to be so I’ve screen captured it to be enjoyed by all here in safety. We all need to give ourselves a tiny fraction of the self love this otter is!

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On Youtube, there's a guy who does NOTHING BUT reviews of video game light guns, going back to the original Odyssey.

This is a legitimately awesome project. Deeply comprehensive, showing the evolution of gun peripheral technology. #videogamehistory

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Artifact for your RPG:

Knight Quill.

The party is given this quill by a well-to-do man in armor. For some reason, it makes its user feel drowsy (but, curiously, also free of any sniffling, sneezing, stuffy head, or fever).

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Weasel boosted

Here's some helpful Mastodon tips:

1. Boost posts to let that user know you are hungry and would like for them to make you a grilled cheese.

2. Do not follow anyone named Kevin. Kevins are shunned here.

3. Tell us about yourself! Write your height, weight, and combat experience in your bio so others have at least a vague idea of how they would fare against you in the octagon.

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In 1995 Full Throttle's electric bunnies accompanied by Ride of the Valkyries was absolutely the funniest gag I've ever seen in a videogame.

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My favorite new prop for our upcoming H3VR level is the Brutalist Exploding Video Game Barrel, authored by @makkon

It has already been dubbed the "Squarrel" by the community, which I love.

#gamedev #indiedev #brutalism #vr

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Still thinking about this Tim Schaffer credit in Star Wars Racer thing.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!