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On PLATO, you could press SHIFT-space to move your cursor back one space and then if you typed another character, it would appear on top of the existing character.

Below are just some examples of smileys and emoticons

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i wish it was easier on linux to grab shit-old emulators that have piss-poor accuracy but can run on your grandma's 486. rolling releases are great for support until all of the software it brings needs a quadcore with fuck-you ram

Weasel boosted holy shit this is freaky. i did NOT expect it to make that sound. fucking bizarre the kind of shit that can happen with our modern physics lifehacks like AM radio towers.

this is part of why it’s so buckwild to me that a 200‐foot tower in Alabama just up and disappeared last month. whoever pulled off that heist had to know *exactly* what they were doing for this to not happen to them.

"hmm, maybe i should bike to the store tomorrow," i say, and within minutes it begins raining hard enough to hear through the roof

Rogue: The Solitaire-Like! I wrote this set of rules for a dungeon-crawling Rogue-like using only a deck of playing cards, some years ago, never fully finishing it. Today I've decided to publish it to itch as a prototype. Feedback (or tips?) encouraged.

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Job hunting continues to be the most demoralizing and emotionally damaging thing in the world.

I need fluffy pets. Anybody got those?

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Weasel boosted

GOLF02H.ICO - Activity, Ballgame

...Balls, Baseball, Bowls, Football, Golf, Pingpong, Pool

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edit, of every CSI SVU etc scene where a cop says "enhance!" to a computer screen, that replaces that dialog with "make some shit up!"

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

The Carl Huynh Room was hiding this conversational masterpiece!

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Weasel boosted

Hey: got a DOS machine? Want it to look nicer at the command prompt and in text apps? Try my font, Dominus, which is a redraw of Terminus as a multi-region DOS .CPI font, supporting codepages 437 and 850.

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Weasel boosted

Patched a possible dialogue crash bug in DISKSWEEPER (#MSDOS, 2022) so now you've no excuse for not minesweeping floppy disks for The Captain

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the mood seems a bit down, across my various feeds today; seems like everybody could use a hug.

it's hard out there, i know. but know that somebody out there appreciates you and is rooting for you.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!