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Into The Shadows was an impressive looking 3D fantasy fighting game developed for Scavenger back in 1996 for #PC, #PlayStation and #Sega #Saturn. Only a rolling demo currently exists, but something playable is hoped to be found. Can it be saved?

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New blog post: I dug out my old copy of a favourite Japanese Mac game from 2004, and ended up discovering that it's had an official English translation hidden inside its files this entire time - that can be unlocked by just changing a single byte in the save file.

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FTC denies rating board's suggestion for age verification system

The Federal Trade Commission has denied a petition to allow companies to use facial age estimation (FAE) technology to obtain parental consent when collecting data from children under 13, a requirement for the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

#FTC #ESRB #COPPA #games #gaming #facialrecognition #biometrics #surveillance #privacy #technology #tech

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Unusual release of a piece of #DOSGaming history:
"Paco El Hare vs Los Marcianos Siderales," a never before seen 1994 DOS point & click adventure demo produced by Alcachofa (of Drascula fame) as a pitch to find a publisher, has been released on Steam (FREE):

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"happy.p8" own composition produced with for a studio making a commercial pico8 game who refused to honor a contract and pay me for the work and then later blocked me on all socials

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Varvara / Uxn core 0.0.1 for Analogue Pocket is released!

It’s still early, and a lot of features aren’t there yet, but it should be good enough for some simple demos and games πŸ™‚

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Here's one of my little contributions to the fab #amiga #chiptune music disk ChipChop 17 / Desire released at
last wknd :) this one's called Friday Feeling <3

yaaaaawwwwwwn. good morning. i am tired in a lot of ways.

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I wish more people who are worried about FOSS supply side attacks would realize that universal basic income and free healthcare would result in an almost infinite stream of excellent software from people who care more about quality than profit.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!