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DETCT00A.ICO - Activity, Workers

...Artist, Astronaut, Detective, Fighter, Medic, Pirate, Wiz

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Alright, yeah. The future is absolutely going to be horrible.

I cannot launch this game, that I have previously played on this console, THAT IS ON A DISC, because I'm not signed in.

(β•―Β°β–‘Β°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻

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Pinball Dreams

🏒 Digital Illusions
πŸ“… 1992
πŸ–₯ Amiga, DOS, Game Boy, Game Gear, PSP, SNES, iOS


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A gentleman named Paul Khoury approached me about getting a retro computer he'd acquired up and running. The computer is a Sun SPARCstation UPN (1997), a prototype for a super small desktop computer that preceded the Mac mini by about 6-7 years. Only about 20 were ever made. I was the designer on the project and had poured my soul into it, so I was proud to help him get it running. I dug out the schematics from storage and gave any advice I could remember and he got it powered on in a few days.

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netizen home registrations open today in our irc channel, as long as you host a cool website with it

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Saw some text online that made me want to turn it into signage. What good are graphic design skills if you can't have a little fun with them.😜

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anyone got decapped ROMs they need someone with free time to mark up in maskromtool? :boost_ok:​

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We've adopted saying "for morale" rather than "as a treat".


  • Having a nap for morale.
  • Eating ice cream for morale.
  • Spending time relaxing with my wife for morale.

Turns out we do a lot of things for morale.

#AsATreat #ForMorale #MentalHealth

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Mistodon: this #ANSIart adaptation of the #Architecture illustrations of #HiroshiNagai was made by LDA for our recent fine art-themed MIST0424 artpack collection.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!