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Weasel boosted
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can you help me find an client and client that works on a 68020 system

ATC crashes, AmiFTP needs classact (i have MUI installed, so i kinda wanted not to have to install classact as well but that's just me being petty) and rnoxfer needs 8mb ram (impossible with PCMCIA)

it's impossible to use an system without talking to other i find, and often when i try i get a worse welcome than the community telling me to just it up, please me wrong

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Update: It turns out that the interference from a nearby tesla coil is capable of registering keypresses on its own. #speczilla #emfcamp #chuntey

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Finally, after years of searching, I have obtained a GBA cart with a Mega Drive/Genesis emulator on it (thanks to Ankos!). I have been wanting to research this for some time after seeing it on YouTube, and it turns out it is far more interesting than I anticipated. 🧡(1/14)

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new tileset released and its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! featuring dungeon tiles, characters, monsters and basic props, grab it here and make a roguelike game please i beg of you:


#pixelart #gamedev

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DETCT00A.ICO - Activity, Workers

...Artist, Astronaut, Detective, Fighter, Medic, Pirate, Wiz

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Alright, yeah. The future is absolutely going to be horrible.

I cannot launch this game, that I have previously played on this console, THAT IS ON A DISC, because I'm not signed in.

(β•―Β°β–‘Β°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻

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Pinball Dreams

🏒 Digital Illusions
πŸ“… 1992
πŸ–₯ Amiga, DOS, Game Boy, Game Gear, PSP, SNES, iOS


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A gentleman named Paul Khoury approached me about getting a retro computer he'd acquired up and running. The computer is a Sun SPARCstation UPN (1997), a prototype for a super small desktop computer that preceded the Mac mini by about 6-7 years. Only about 20 were ever made. I was the designer on the project and had poured my soul into it, so I was proud to help him get it running. I dug out the schematics from storage and gave any advice I could remember and he got it powered on in a few days.

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Weasel boosted

netizen home registrations open today in our irc channel, as long as you host a cool website with it

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Weasel boosted

Saw some text online that made me want to turn it into signage. What good are graphic design skills if you can't have a little fun with them.😜

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anyone got decapped ROMs they need someone with free time to mark up in maskromtool? :boost_ok:​

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!