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Roughly 4 months ago, my primary Vehicle - a recumbent e-trike - was stolen from my home. Because I have no income, I can't save up to replace it, and it sucks to not have reliable transportation without begging. Help? Maybe?

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Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.

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Archive of ~3800 .plan file updates from 1998-2004

Me and @sponge have been working together for the last few days to collect 3835 .plan file updates from a handful of online archives and the Wayback Machine. These .plan file updates come from the likes of id Software, 3D Realms, Raven Software, GodGames, Ritual Entertainment, and dozens of other game development companies in that "scene".

These text files constitute an entire oral history of the games industry from about 1997 to 2004, told through the proto-blogging platform known as the Finger protocol.

For context, the Finger protocol was invented in 1971 as an extremely simple way to query information and updates about a user on a particular remote server. I have no idea how popular it was in its time, but during the late mid-late 90s and early 2000s, the crusty old thing was used by these developers as a way to trickle out small rants, posts, and development updates from their company computers.

If you have any old .plan files sitting around, feel free to submit them to me or sponge via email!
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haven’t used it in a year so it just reads as unbelievably passive aggressive

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So this, from Firefox, is fucking toxic:

You might be aware Chromeβ€” a browser made by an ad companyβ€” has been trying to claw back the limitations recently placed on ad networks by the death of third-party cookies, and added new features that gather and report data directly to ad networks. You'd know this because Chrome displayed a popup.

If you're a Firefox user, what you probably don't know is Firefox added this feature and *has already turned it on without asking you*

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Marathon 2 has been free for a while but it’s nice seeing it available somewhere else too, and it has the XBLA graphics as a bonus free DLC

Roughly 4 months ago, my primary Vehicle - a recumbent e-trike - was stolen from my home. Because I have no income, I can't save up to replace it, and it sucks to not have reliable transportation without begging. Help? Maybe?

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I recently discovered an odd first-person maze game called β€œLair of Squid” built into my HP 200LX palmtop PC, released in 1994

Then I found the author. Here’s the story of how this quirky Doom-inspired title came to be:

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I put up a hosted version of my extremely simple Macintosh Garden FTP Search site. Super simple HTML and short result pages. Should be useful if you want to download items from Macintosh Garden directly to your Internet enabled classic Mac!

Reply with a picture of your classic Mac using it! 😎

#RetroComputing #VintageMac #VintageApple

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Drop Duchy got a store page

"Build your duchy piece by piece in this refreshing hybrid rogue-lite game. Use block-dropping mechanics to collect resources, recruit troops to fight against belligerent armies, and let every block shape your realm, leading your path to victory!"

#steam #gaming #videoGames #steamStorePage

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!