he has been sitting in my memes folder for far too long. i must free him now

@mcc ah good to know😅I've basically only used git CLI to clone repos and other surface level stuff atp
Thanks for the correction!

@mcc see I know how to use svn CLI because that's what we use in the CS program at my university. I'm mildly confident that it would transfer into knowledge of git CLI (I have used it before) but I almost exclusively use the git integration on VS Code for my personal version control needs, so who knows 😭💀

laz | wish boosted

An incredibly large portion of my life is artists coming to me asking for help with git, and I'm like ah! Something in my home territory! And then it turns out they're using Github Desktop or some kind of GUI and I can't actually help them because I only know how to use the command line and the GUI is subtly conceptually different

laz | wish boosted

if you aren't willing to stand up for trans people you don't deserve the services of this automated account. figure out a plan for how you're going to do this now.

shoutout to the person who invented peanut butter

laz | wish boosted

me: so i want to, like, copy a file, and--

them: he heh! good luck! <corporation> has NEVER let you do that. let me tell you, ive been a customer of theirs for fifteen years and it's never been a problem for me. i suppose if you know Coding you could write your own kind of "file photocopier" app from scratch, if you really want to make duplicate files for some reason. but i doubt anyone would use it. im closing this thread, also you're banned for asking troll questions

Show thread
laz | wish boosted

Yesterday was rough, real rough. I'm so glad that I'm here and you're here this Trans Day of Remembrance. 🏳️‍⚧️


laz | wish boosted

@lucky @hannah I was under the impression tech nerd world was at least 75% furry shitposters. Have I been misled?!?

laz | wish boosted

@jk Dishes rely on Side Dishes to complement them. The true power and versatility of a Side Dish cannot even be approached by that of a mere Dish

laz | wish boosted

Email: Why are Linux commands so cryptic?

Me: #Unix and #Linux have so many obscure commands because the developers were big fans of Dungeons & Dragons. Each command is a magic spell with a cryptic name and unpredictable effects. Next question, please?

we're living in the worst version of our timeline, but because we're humans and we're nothing if not persistent, we're still trying to put it back on track

laz | wish boosted
Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!