The emu box I mentioned is the A600GS which is ARM based & it seems to use their own frontend on top of AROS which is an open source reimplementation of the AmigaOS API and not connected to OS 4 which is closed source & based on the original Commodore code. AROS also has an Eric Schwartz mascot

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These things are still being developed! It looks like the latest one was the A1222+ which also came out last year and costs somewhere north of a grand but it is An Amiga with a 1.2GHz dual core CPU and 4GB of RAM

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Supposedly it was going to be released as a download on an Amiga app store owned by the publisher which runs on OS 4, which is only for PowerPC Amigas, which is the next gen post-68k architecture that people have been trying to make happen pretty much since Commodore went under

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Going down a bit of a rabbit hole on modern Amiga stuff after looking up the tracker OctaMED and finding out it got a new version LAST YEAR after no development since 1996. And the new version was only released on a particular Amiga emulation box

taizou boosted
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taizou boosted

with a return to normalcy comes a return to CHAOS. it's One-Star Heroes, the two-day show in which i play bad games to pay my bills! Sunday, March 23 and Wednesday, March 26, starting whenever i'm awake and ending when i'm all gamed out, over at

I'm working in a co-working place today & they have a load of random coffee table books lying around that obviously no one ever reads

taizou boosted

a thing capitalists did that's clever is that tax bills are itemized on your paycheck (and the precise way taxes are presented serves reactionary ends but that's neither here nor there) but at no point does a paycheck show a worker's revenue generated. it's not even like this would be hard to do; even for something abstract like service jobs you could simply print the business's revenue for the days worked on the paycheck, divided by the number of people employed. it would be pretty rough but massively clear how much your boss exploits you

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I'm reading a 1987 Japanese magazine named Hacker and it's adorable. Besides talking about all kinds of bootlegs and erogames, it's got how-to instructions for how to defeat copy protection on PC-88 games. Like, here's how you format a disk and then run this BASIC code to copy the WIZARDRY game disk.

It's on the archive. There's some nudity in it, so beware:

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taizou boosted

@aran English speakers do seem to take Kunrei-shiki particularly hard, don't they? The assumption that romanization might have goals other than the convenience of mid-Atlantic English speakers doesn't spontaneously occur, so anything that doesn't serve those goals is seen as bizarre and counterproductive. (People seem to particularly hate learning that Kunrei-shiki seems to more closely match the emic view of Japanese...)

taizou boosted

i draw my furry characters as humans sometimes, but i also sometimes draw my human characters as furries!!!

#art #anthro

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OH but they do have a mail-only paid plan which was completely hidden away... it's much cheaper than the "unlimited" plan and still gets you 1 custom domain.. so i COULD get that and not bother with drive

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taizou boosted

Famiclones all look the same more or less, they said. If you saw one, you've seen them all, they said...

Well, that was before I accidently saw this beast of a clone with a built-in b/w TV: The Sonye 986 II. It's not mine and I know nothing about it.

#famiclone #famiclones #nes #famicom #nintendo #vintagecomputing #retrogaming

i SUPPOSE i could justify the proton cost if i, like, ditched dropbox for proton drive (is that any good?) and eventually migrated my personal email to a proton one as well. hmm

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!