@arielmt slow day π©β
@blubfeesh that looks so goofy
@mavica_again It was a real ad for a real car! I find it endearing personally... :P
@blubfeesh oh i don't mean it isn't! the shape makes me think of a goofy frog. or something
@mavica_again Oh yeah for sure! I wish they still made cute cars like that. ;w;
@mavica_again howdy
@SteelWool how are you
@mavica_again uhh I'm okay I guess! I'm thinking about time management to get projects done without abandoning my other hobbies altogether, so that's interesting! What are you up to?
@SteelWool nothing, hence begging for attention
@mavica_again hey, me too! But I can't do much right now since it's almost time for the bed time ritual
@SteelWool that sucks
@mavica_again hiiii
@mavica_again hi