Don't get me wrong, computers can absolutely help us regain our environmental efficiency. They just *aren't*.
Not as long as we're:
* constantly syncing everything to the cloud,
* expecting same-hour delivery,
* funding our clickbait via surveillance advertising,
* buying a new phone every year,
* using AIs because they're cool rather than useful,
* running bloated software & webpages,
* buying into "big data"
* etc
Computing is environmentally cheap, but it rapidly adds up!
new file extension pronunciations:
jaypeg ❌ j-pug ✔️
pee-en-gee❌ pung/ping ✔️
bmp❌ bump ✔️
doc-ecks ❌ dokkssssssssssss (longer the better on the "sss"es) ✔️
7zip❌ 7up ✔️
tar.gz❌ turglz ✔️
bzip❌ bee-sip ✔️
com❌ dot cawwwmmm ✔️
exe❌ eeksie ✔️
batch❌ bat. it's a bat file. a file folder full of little bats. they chirp when you open it because it's bright out, let them sleep. ✔️
gif❌ lemon ✔️