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@ElfLord @snakeboy a specific woman. There is a specific woman he has never felt the touch of. He has had physical contact with women, but not a specifically woman.

@auravulpes I'm no scientist but I don't think some of those words are real. Or sensical.

Butt, probably nsfw 

Look, you can't fool me, she isn't wearing anything, that's just a picture of a butt Cat has zoom blur, Papa Bernie has pan blur.

@marlon I was under the impression that TempleOS doesn't like existing.

Food ad I would like to put this up on a wall just to get feedback from people on it. Even better if you take modern stock photo equivalents with the same words on it. Surrealist advertising.

~~ Lady talking on phone. Her facial expression is mostly flat, with a slight grin. An oreo the size of her head hovers a foot in front of her face. Above her head, the words;

I Must Have



@alcinnz Could you post any examples of what this might look like? Not canceled, just on hiatus while the writers guild sorts out a new collective bargaining contract.

@remotenemesis Let's go with the ISO date standard. We're no closer to answering the question, but whatever answer we eventually reach will be more precise.

ACAB, writing Oh, then definitely give it a watch. I think it would be worth your time to understand how communities like this function. It also has the advantage over police procedural dramas like The Wire in that it's following the stories of real police, and it has the advantage over Real Police shows like LivePD and Cops in that they're not just police propaganda and they're showing more than just how police interact with people in a traffic stop.

political shitpost, me being annoyed at some groups of leftists This is one of the things that drives me absolutely insane about discourse with radlefts. This asinine notion that the USSR and PRoC are infallible and everything bad that happens to them or that they did is somehow the fault of The West, and completely abandoning any semblance of nuance. I live in the united states. I really don't like this country, but I don't think that the Chinese authoritarian state is preferable.

ACAB, writing Another thing to consider, and something that Flint Town explores, is that black police want to help. They believe they're doing the right thing, and as police, they seek to try to help their community. Even as they are part of the system of abuse, they might excuse it as what the community needs to become a better place.

Bird Site; Might Be NSFW 

@TheFourEyed For someone who doesn't spend a lot of time on that side of politics, could you explain in short what "breadtube" is?

ACAB, writing Spoilers for the last episode in the series: politics plays a big role in the series, because everything is political, and in the last episode, the doc producers ask the police who they voted for. Invariably, all the white cops voted for trump, and all the black cops voted for Hillary.

ACAB, writing I'd strongly recommend watching the docuseries Flint Town on netflix or wherever you get your media. It explores the culture of policing in Flint circa 2016, as a deep dive into what the relationship between the people and the police becomes as a region succumbs to poverty. I think it will provide a very insightful look into how police operate in that kind of situation, and how the police relate to each other and to the people they have authority over.

ACAB, writing It's actually a fairly common thing in majority-minority (ie metro areas with a large minority population) areas for marginalized people who get into positions of authority like policing, to exercise their authority against people they might have once called their brothers or sisters, as a way to "prove" to the other police and the system, that they're "on board" with the mission, and one of the "good ones" through their willingness to abandon race respect.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!