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[Valentines Day Lifehack]

Put your roses in the microwave for 20 seconds before you eat them and the thorns will be much easier to chew!

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Happy Valentine's Day I'll be your valentine today

sometimes I feel I'm *too* into Marx. it's true, Marx was in fact wrong. Marx was wrong in many places, the tendency for the rate of profit to fall, his vulgar mechanistic materialism of historical materialism as well as the ableist asinine concept of the 'lumpenproletariat' ; not only is Marx wrong but he is also severely lacking in terms of further social critique, this was 2 centuries before people would seriously analytically think "hmmm, but what if like... black poor people have different issues to just poor people? what if like... there are intersections?". Marx never lays us out an example of what the FUCK to even do, defining communism in dialectical terms merely as the negation of capitalism, that's all well and good but Marx chief, WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?! and this comes back to his vulgar materialism, for Marx history is already set in stone, capitalism WILL just become communism eventually due to the instability of capitalism and the OONLY thing that can happen when capital collapses, to Marx, is communism. "We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things" literally just means "communism is just whatever comes after capitalism by negating it"

so why do I take a clearly too orthodox Marxist perspective at times compared to most? I'd have to say it's because, frankly, most nobody on the left has actually read and or engaged with marx and just doesn't *get it*. Marx is a wall, he's not easy to read and even his easy works were written literally 150 years ago in old German that was then translated into victorian English that isn't easy to read at all. not only that, but these ideas are HUGE concepts to understand, and so people misunderstand them entirely through learning via the grape vine in the most watered down ways. the fundamentalism of returning to Marx is in contrast of the revisionism of later Soviet and Maoist thinkers who completely became the anti-thesis to Marx, where Marx says X they do Y, where Marx says abolish this they retain it with trappings of 'the revolution', and so a return to Marx to start over with a new line of Marxists is, to me, far more useful.

never heard the term "cuddle puddle" until today and honestly I'm just surprised it hasn't come up before ever in my life

Don't feel bad or ashamed if you spend your week-end sleeping, resting.

It's *it's purpose*.

And in itself, resting is **not** doing nothing.

It's taking care of yourself, and allowing to gather back some energy. Some time to yourself.

Resting *is* doing something, for you. And it's a good thing to do sometimes.

I just realized that millennials who say they don’t feel like real adults (including me) probably feel that way because, thanks to growing income inequality/stagnating wages/rising costs of living, most of us don’t have the things in our life that our parents’ generation had that we consider to be markers of responsible adulthood. Stuff like having savings, going to the doctor whenever you’re sick and not worrying about the cost, buying homes, etc. And it makes me sad for all of us

I thought I saw a color.

It turned out to just be a pigment of my imagination.

@Anarkat If people don't like jokes about overthrowing capitalism I guess they aren't...


rich in humor.

Some people don't like jokes about overthrowing the capitalist class.

I suppose they just don't appreciate gallows humor.


Today I find out if my willpower is stronger than the headache that caffeine dependency withdrawals induce.

I'm pretty sure that I'm over the world of them, and if I can get through my 20 hour day without caffeine, I have a good chance of riding myself of dependency, at least for now.

reading through the newspaper like I think the shit in there is real

You but have you considered: pet me??????

Agit, pol 

Remember that time your teacher was wrong about something but it didn't matter because they were the one in charge, and no one else was going to listen to you anyway?

If you've never had a bad interaction with police, imagine that, every day, but also detention would literally ruin your life.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!