CW: jealousy, nsfw
I wish dommes were real, I wish collaring actually existed, it has to be some elaborate joke at my expense, the alternative is that I'm just not good enough, that nobody would ever want to do that with me
i am begging people to understand the difference between what is technically possible and what is morally tolerable.
ok here's my idea for a fuck google webring
reminder i made a banger shirt you should wear
it's a design so highly sought after there are no less than 7 websites ripping it off
get it while it's hot from the link above and support me instead of grifters
in case you missed it… yesterday i finally published my Flash era web 1.0 throwback collection of games to Steam. it’s completely free! (because that’s what the web should be and tetrageddon is old-web :)
i’m still very proud of this. imo it’s a beautiful hilarious weird thing that exists on its own terms.
#IndieGame #IndieGames #GameDev #Games #VideoGames #Gaming
if you want to add this to your own nginx setup:
map $http_user_agent $brnotice {
default '</head>';
~*Chrome '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></head><div class="impnotice">You are using an unsupported browser. Please visit <a href="">this website</a> to upgrade your browser.</div>';
server {
sub_filter '</head>' $brnotice;
sub_filter_once on;
hey you should give my forums a try maybe
gay trans girl, 26, from unfortunate isles of britain. Fan of giant robots, sci fi and science fantasy, and girls. known accomplice and partner of the synth system, icon by mavica
occasionally nsfw, always cw'd
If you've been blocked by me and don't know why, it's likely you or an account you have boosted posts nude men, cw'd or not, and I am committed to not seeing that under any circumstances
I am prone to bouts of grumpiness and bad moods due to chronic pain and fatigue