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Millie boosted

posting this again for the new hashtag #Mastodon4Harris (they moved, note the "4" instead of "for")

i'm currently unemployed and job searching and couch surfing. i'm an impoverished neurodivergent trans woman just trying to survive and find stability

if you enjoy seeing stuff about the memoir i'm writing, the work i've done with FediPact, the rad instances i've set up at and, the cool clothes i DIY together, my pirate radio station vantaradio, my awesome videos, my amazing selfies, or just my posting generally -- then know that your support helps me continue being able to exist and do all those things







patreon (monthly):

#MastodonForHarris #Harris #Harris2024

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

please,,, im about to get absolutely blasted by overdraft fees right when i need to pay my power bill #Mastodon4Harris

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Millie boosted

hey all! while you have been doing this big bonfire, Reed Hastings personally donated $7million while she went to Comic Con to talk about the simpsons. when rich people and corporations can do that at the drop of a hat, your donations mean nothing to her and mean nothing in the fight for marginalized people. using your donations for direct action is the most effective thing you can do with your money to protect us from the far right, both now and in the future, even when she wins. #NoHashtagEdition #MastodonForHarris #Mastodon4Harris

hey why not put your money to some actual good, to helping a disabled woman pay for her new crutches rather than throwing money at a millionare politician who won't notice it at all? hint hint

@rachaelspooky on average, the donations I saw on our fundraiser when it had any momentum were averaging 10gbp each, with mostly friends or friends of friends going over

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

finally got one of those xbox controllers every game on steam says it's compatible with

Millie boosted

hey anyone in the want their computer/console fixed? i need smth to do :boost_ok:

Millie boosted

I'm running out of hot sauce so let's talk about other spicy food products.

Takis Fuego

I don't like them! And not because of the spiciness, because there's actually very little of it in these. The problem is the amount of sour they add to the flavor to try to make it taste hotter than it actually is. In the end it just tastes like a damn lemon meringue.

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

get you a girl who will cuddle with you to the dulcet tones of steve1989mreinfo

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

In case you're using Firefox on mobile - so myself and like four others - disabling Firefox' new Facebook data collection feature is quite a bit harder than on desktop, but it can be done:

  1. Go to chrome://geckoview/content/config.xhtml
  2. Use the search field to find the entry for about:config and enable it
  3. Go to about:config
  4. Search for dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled and set it to false


Millie boosted

HA! contact cleaner to the rescue!

the corrosion was probably causing some conductivity around where there shouldn't be

there was nothing wrong with eyemodtool after all

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

"Firefox added [ad tracking] and has already turned it on without asking you"
posted on 2024.07.13 at 11:08:22 (c=2, p=6)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!