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Blocking anyone on global timeline that isn't cw'ing posts about US politics, no tagging isn't enough, I couldn't care less that your country is trying to decide between 99% Hitler and 100% Hitler, call me when a candidate promises to disband the US military so your soldiers can never rape and slaughter innocent people in the third world ever again

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Millie boosted

new on the #linkcache

The US Ruler - Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans? Then this tool is for you!

Your Name in Landsat - Type in your name (or any word, really) and see it spelled using satellite images of the Earth!

Look Scanned - Upload a PDF to this website and make it look like the pages have been printed and then scanned back into your computer, without the hassle of doing it for real.

Millie boosted

i've looked into the SNES archive. there are no sources. there are, however, compiled binaries.. in a weird format. and, also, for the mega drive.

looking at the mega drive ones, the header information seems to be there? but it's not in the right offsets it should be. which makes me wonder if this is somehow in a slightly compressed format, or a format for some esoteric devkit. i can't really get much else out of this and wish someone else would look at it


re: Disability, NSFW 

honestly i'd literally just take not being in pain and tired and bored out of my mind for an hour, please

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Disability, NSFW 

girls with chronic pain (me) deserve treats and cuddles and being tied up and then more cuddles and maybe some other stuff

Millie boosted

Griping about surgeries and jealousy, nsfw 

Thinking about the girls who get grs and go on crash diets or take weight loss pills and injections and wondering why are you so desperate to be different from me, what is so awful about being like me, are you that repulsed, do you need to assimilate, to be a perfect copy of cis womanhood, take thin and built for men's pleasure

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Griping about surgeries and jealousy, nsfw 

Why am I not good enough

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Griping about surgeries and jealousy, nsfw 

'trans girls all program and wear thigh high socks and cat ears and have lots of kinky sex and are super thin and like all the same anime ' fuck you, I'm not the same as you, I'm sorry I'm not some petite little thing that can just get intimacy when I want it, oh yeah, go and tell me about how expensive your collar was, I'll wait

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Griping about surgeries and jealousy, nsfw 

I'm so tired of wanting to take a carving knife to my body every time I look in the mirror, I'm so tired of it being wrong and broken and nothing helps, sue me I guess

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Griping about surgeries and jealousy, nsfw 

Good lord, I think I just need to block any other trans women online who have gotten grs, having it repeatedly shoved in my face in a space that I should feel welcomed in is upsetting, guess I'm not rich enough

CW: kink, nsfw, brought to you by my dreams last night 

God I would look so cute collared and on a leash. I'm telling you, it's everyone's loss that I haven't been stripped and told to lay at someone's feet. I'm so soft and grabbable and nobody is taking advantage of that.

Morning yearning over I guess, back to sleep for tired pup

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Millie boosted

@Raccoon @vantablack
If everyone who donated the money to mastodon for harris, instead donated that money to queer people on the fediverse, it would mean a tangible, *measurable* reduction of predominantly queer people, predominantly biopoc people, suffering on the fediverse.

That is why there is anger involved. That is why activism takes the form of "showing those people the mutual aid posts they are neglecting and ignoring, that each represent real personal suffering endured by minorities"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!