here's how easy it is to make your own #ditherinator palette image:
palette images are sampled for unique colors used in the image, in the order they are found (left to right, top to bottom), regardless of image size or quantity of each color
The Pier Score: 36 Moves: 14The Pier
#ditherinator v0.3 out!
happy new year! 🎉🥂
coming soon to #ditherinator: luminosity-based palette retargeting
(or, in adobe parlance, gradient map)
@mavica_again getting in line over and over with a series of more and more ridiculous disguises
#ditherinator v0.2!!
There's only one developer in the world whose projects and code I relish with the same energy as a new album from a favourite band, and folks, has done it again! Please check out The Ditherinator v0.1 for all your Atkinson / Bayer 8x8 / CGA mode 0 / MS Paint (+ MORE) image processing fun!
Post your results with #ditherinator and let mavica know what you think (+ hit its Kofi with a few bucks)
OK here is a first release!!! #ditherinator
i gave up for now on quantizing colors from the source image bc it's harder than i thought, but you can still upload your own palette PNGs and use the built-in ones
"... providing aid to Zairian dictator Mobutu to crush southern African liberation movements; financially supporting the Guatemalan military junta, and looking the other way as Israel gave them weapons and training; ignoring calls from human rights activists to withdraw support from the Suharto dictatorship in Indonesia as they carried out genocide in East Timor; refusing to pursue sanctions against South Africa in the United Nations after the South African Defence Forces bombed a refugee camp in Angola, killing 600 refugees; financing and arming mujahideen rebels to destabilize the government of Afghanistan and draw the Soviet Union into invading the country; and providing aid to the military dictatorship in El Salvador, despite a letter from Archbishop Oscar Romero – who was assassinated by a member of a government death squad weeks later – explicitly calling for Carter not to do so."
OK OK i finally implemented bayer
if i can get some work done on palettes (add built-ins, sampling from image) i'm properly releasing an initial version
here's a cool little picture in 640x480 with only the 16 EGA colors. you could set this as your windows 95 wallpaper
gay trans girl, 26, from unfortunate isles of britain. Fan of giant robots, sci fi and science fantasy, and girls. known accomplice and partner of the synth system, icon by mavica
occasionally nsfw, always cw'd
If you've been blocked by me and don't know why, it's likely you or an account you have boosted posts nude men, cw'd or not, and I am committed to not seeing that under any circumstances
I am prone to bouts of grumpiness and bad moods due to chronic pain and fatigue