Sometimes the kicker about being disabled is realising we have to help eachother, donate to eachother, because nobody else will. You start to lose all faith and trust in able bodied people and their ability to care

Millie boosted

Who wants to tip me $35 so I can buy these edibles? THC helps me with my chronic pain and nausea 🩷

Millie boosted

let me into your system32 folder. i promise i'll behave. you will not regret letting me into your system32 folder

"the new macbook air, operating system and bios available seperately with the new apple intelligence dongle for 299.99"

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i feel guilty about spending 20 pounds on pizza so i don't starve on a day where my chronic illness is flaring, i think you deserve to feel guilty about buying a laptop that has negative functionality and will soon need an extra dongle to actually have a processor and gpu

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you can be the perfect little disabled person and pinch every penny and deny yourself every luxury and the people who have stock in apple and buy the new macbook air ultrathin single port privelige pro will still refuse to spare a second thought to donating to your 'pay rent so i'm not out on the streets' fund

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thinking about how i had to run my last phone into the ground and kept it for 5 years until it was so slow it was causing my bank app to crash constantly and even then i bought a mid tier android phone to replace it, and there are people out there debating if they need to upgrade to this year's new iphone or if last year's model is still new and chic enough. makes me want to cry

sorry, time for another angry cripple post, if you're able bodied and earning enough to not be living paycheck to paycheck, you should be donating money to people who need it, disabled people, sex workers, trans people, you have a responsibility to make up for the shortfalls in society and make the world kinder. other disabled people with no income have given me more than i could ever have asked them for, you can do better

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!