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Millie boosted

@mavica he's right up there with richard dawkins

which gives me another opportunity to share my favourite article concerning dawkins

"British scientists don't like Richard Dawkins, finds study that didn't even ask questions about Richard Dawkins"

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
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Millie boosted

sewing folk:

I have not operated a sewing machine since my home economics class in the mid 1980s.

what's the sweet spot for price/performance on current gen sewing machines for amateur sewers?

Thanks in advance for your input!

#askfedi #askfediverse #foak

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

financial help request 

I feel like I've imposed on the fediverse's generosity too much already, but the truth is that I'm about to run out of money, even with Patreon coming in at the beginning of next week.

So I have to ask for your help. Any amount helps - and I appreciate boosts and other methods of spreading the word too.

Thank you. :blobheart:

Millie boosted

It's autism awareness day!

Also your semi-regular reminder that autism speaks and their puzzle piece bullshit can fuck right off

Millie boosted


i'm not enough. i'm scared good night little one, make sure you get tucked into bed, ok? and that you get a bedtime story <3

Millie boosted

ah fuck can you please tag your covid/pol adjacent shitposts friends

shouldn't have to be saying this to my home timeline at 1am but i closed twitter for a reason

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Millie boosted

17776 was extremely good. what if football was homestuck

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!