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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

The Beatles - I wanna hold your hand but instead it's about pawbs

Millie boosted

@mavica if you want to shoot something without odds of losing, ravenfield is pretty good, you can download mods from the workshop to make yourself overpowered and just run around destroying stuff

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

@mavica I'd be on the side of "you should support the people who made the game where possible" but when it comes to AAA games that doesn't happen even if you give them all the money because the staff gets laid off as soon as it's finished half the time so pirate away

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

squirrel *sneaky snuggle* good morning, bunny *scritches your paws for you*

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

mental health issues, depression, 

weeeelllp, not a great day for mental health today it seems...
just gonna curl up in my room and watch stuff

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!