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Millie boosted
Trans women are used to cis people telling us we can't take up space, but our voices will be loud and disruptive until harm against us is treated with the same weight as other forms of oppression.

If you don't like it, listen to what we have to say and stop assuming bad faith in every criticism aimed at you. Your marginalization doesn't make you exempt from perpetuating harm against us.

You can block us, you can smear us, but you can't truly silence us, and that's what threatens you at the end of the day because you depend on social coercion and it doesn't work on the one group of people who tossed aside the need for cis approval.
Millie boosted

i'm here to be a problem to those who choose to see me as a problem

i have plenty of friends who do not choose to see me as a problem

Millie boosted

mastodon in theory: decentralized twitter

mastodon in practice: what if we pooled ten different early-2000s opinionated web forums together into a thunderdome

trying to remember other times in the past since i started HRT that i've felt like this and i think this isn't the first time, but i have no idea on the pattern, i'm gonna chalk this up to period and me being very weirdly affected by hormones

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Millie boosted

I trust responsible instance admins to do their due diligence regarding anything posted on the hashtag, but I don't trust the mob of dogpiling harassers who are just looking for a fight all the time and patrol the hashtag to find it.

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my emotional/physical state tonight is as such: i'm exhausted and inexplicably want intimacy i can't put a name on and i'm hormonally depressed and upset to the point i could cry at a moments notice and i can't focus at all and i'm also enjoying this weird concoction of pineapple juice and bitter shandy and it feels like there are 5-10 feral rats inside my head all with different ideas of how to feel and what to do. there is space for maybe 1 rat at the controls at a time, they don't care

Millie boosted

CW: kink, petplay 

realizing that while this isn't an 'adult' account per se, nobody who i'm embarrassed about seeing my kinks and stuff is on here to see, so i can actually post about that with the appropriate tags, etc.

that said...

if you're a domme who's able to do hypnosis and is into putting cute lesbians on leashes hit me up...please

Millie boosted

i have also been here since april 2017 folks

computer fairies was founded in april 13 2017

i've been pushed out of my own space because i wanted to be friends with the wrong people, apparently, literally it was a personal spat with a bigger instance admin which turned into "ooo this person is a mad abuser"

i wanted rhys to be my friend, not to be ghosted and belittled by them

i don't think that's too abusive to ask for, in a personal environment

that's the danger of

Millie boosted

#fediblock discussion 

Apart from the technical reasons, it's also just.. toxic. It takes Twitter's horrible culture of dogpiling people based on made-up justifications and applies it to the Fediverse. It ensures that every tiny mistake results in a massive argument (which never does any good, it just hurts everyone who gets involved) and the blocking of entire instances.

This makes Fediverse a less safe and welcoming place for everyone.

I'm not even mentioning the fact that many of the people who were targeted this time are queer and/or disabled.
This is not a coincidence. This kind of "canceling" often harms people who are more vulnerable and don't have a massive platform the most. That's just how it works.


imagine i inserted the gif of the seagulls from finding nemo here 'mine, mine, mine' but it's about discourse

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i feel like, in general, when there's a big uproar about something like the fediblock stuff right now, about 50% of the people complaining and making big posts about how bad things are are not at all related to the issue and just want something to make noise about, like seagulls who live on chances to make it about themselves

Millie boosted

let's break kayfabe for a minute:

have you considered: personally blocking each person you don't like for "spamming" "the" hashtag, instead of rallying for "your" benevolent leaders to cut all ties with the entirety of the realm of "their" wicked despots and causing a rift in the propagation of the utopia that is decentralized federated microblogging posts

or do you just want to punish people

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Millie boosted

Going through #fediblock gave me a really iffy feeling. Some people are spamming the hashtag for some reason, others are slandering users for not having the same opinion on some topics as them and some other few really do deserve to be fediblocked for harassment of BiPOC and FLINTA*.
As I see it, as long as someone's not harassing someone else or spreading hate speech, why fediblock them? You're free to simply not follow that person. Why block their entire instance???

CW: Sex toys 

hey uh, anyone in the uk/eu area know good places to get better quality sex toys than ann summers? preferably furry friendly/queer friendly

CW: sex stuff 

pretty much like, 99% sure this is a period, and boy are the hormones there, brain is wondering and i'm struggling not to think about less than decent things, maybe i need to spend some of my expendable money this month on toys -,-

CW: kink 

it's a weird experience being a switch who has no control over her own sexuality or desired roll, i can't decide or force myself to be one or the other on the wrong day to save my life, i can go weeks without feeling any submissive need at all and then bam, wake up one day yearning to be collared and leashed. thinking about a name for a switch that is tethered to an invisible condition...relay maybe

CW: kink, petplay 

realizing that while this isn't an 'adult' account per se, nobody who i'm embarrassed about seeing my kinks and stuff is on here to see, so i can actually post about that with the appropriate tags, etc.

that said...

if you're a domme who's able to do hypnosis and is into putting cute lesbians on leashes hit me up...please

Millie boosted

this computer is trans (and there's NOTHING you can do about it)

Millie boosted

it's 2023 and there's still no minecraft mod that lets you leash players like tamed pets smdh

Millie boosted

"what is the secret to happiness?"

"to not argue with fools."

"no, that can't be it"

"yes, you are correct."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!